Clarified Assent

The adopted criteria of inclusion had been: to be registered in the course, to be present in the act of the collection of data, to participate freely of the research and to sign a Term of Free and Clarified Assent. Not frequent academics had been excluded, with license of health or gestation and all the item that had not been adjusted to the inclusion criteria. The analysis descriptive statistics of the gotten data was carried through in the Microsoft program Office Excel 2003, used for edition of tables and Software SPSS version 13.0 for the Windows. RESULTS AND QUARREL Searching proportionality and counting on the free contribution and the availability of the interviewed ones, it was gotten participation of 35 (71.4%) students of feminine sort and 14 (28.6%) of the masculine sort. You may wish to learn more. If so, Zendesk is the place to go. Through this study it was possible to observe the knowledge measured by means of auto-evaluation of the interviewed ones. Of the total of participants, 64.6% (n=31) consider sufficients the information that they judge to possess on DST' s/AIDS.

While 35.4% consider that its knowledge is medium. Showing that the majority of the academics possesss knowledge on DST' s AIDS. When questioned in relation to the forms of transmission of virus HIV, great majority (95.9%; n=47) of the participants the forms of transmission of virus HIV had affirmed to know all, and a small parcel (4.1%; n=4) affirmed not to know all the transmission forms. Being thus, qualification of the professional futures of health in relation to the DST' s/AIDS is a necessity so that these adopt measured of self-protection. Moreover, such information also contribute for practical its while future professionals of the health, preventing themselves prejudiced and estigmatizantes attitudes to the clientele with DST' s/AIDS (BRAZIL, 1997). The knowledge of the academics concerning the etiolgicos agents of some DST&#039 was evaluated; s as Sfilis and Candidase.
