Month: January 2013

Middle Ages

In addition to developments skill or, more accurately, together with him, a sure path to excellence led through fasting, prayer, silence: from Josephus, who scribbled 'Antiquities of the Jews', to Andrei Rublev, when he painted Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. Conscious of itself works in general, and in architecture in particular, perhaps as a meaningful form of activity only in the triumph of the ground, purely secular over the divine. The exception is when creating an image of the divine, the creative person responsible action on the tragic cry of the unknown author of 'Book of Job': 'Oh, if I could compete with God, the Son of Man with my brother her! " Realizing that the objective process of creating a new place at all times, we can focus search of creativity in architecture at the transition, which at one time and divides, and connects the Middle Ages and Renaissance. This, however, only partly the complexity of the discovery, by the vagueness of the question of the nature of the new. You know what difficulties lie in wait for the researchers of science and technology, trying to date the opening and invention, as almost always find that someone and somewhere to have been the first before. In art, and it is, but many more subtle incidents. For example, the treatises of Leonardo da Vinci only in the xix century. become the property of culture, but some of them content during the life of the master became known circle of trusted companions, gave rise to attempts to imitate, intensify the work of imagination, such as growing into a modern Leonardo professional universalism.

For architecture, we can easily detect the situation of repeated 'discovery'. So, Tange, Kurokawa and others 'metabolists' rise in 50 years, the concept of growing or 'open' forms in architecture. But even James Brunel enough British architect, in 1915 drafted a collapsible hospital, where an autonomous halls and chambers of operating were connected to the sections of the corridor, built up 'indefinitely'. This does not only a conceptual framework. Hospital unassembled was transported by sea and erected on the infamous Galipoliyskom beachhead the British expeditionary corps. This fact was published in Illustrated Weekly, but he did not become the property profession and was forgotten. Except for the horizontal strip glazing, four of the 'five principles' of Le Corbusier were perfectly known to him.

Free, transparent the first floor, resting on the columns – is a sign of many palaces in the Roman-gothic tradition, but also a number of projects Bull. Curtain wall, attached to the frame of the columns – is a series of buildings 60 and 80 of the xix century. in Chicago, Buffalo and other American cities. 'Free plan' interior in the frame construction – but enough to call Pedrera, Antoni Gaudi completed in 1910 in Barcelona. Finally, 'operated roof' flat terrace on the roof – it has possessed the ancient Babylonians, it was brilliantly played another in the xvii century. in the French chateau of Chambord – and again, Gaudi, starting with homes in Belesguarde, whose construction was begun in 1900, gave the old Admission of new, unprecedented shine.


Infrared thermography is one of the techniques more used in all kinds of sectors for its efficiency and high specialization. It allows remote and without any contact, to measure and display the infrared radiation with precision of a surface. Technicians trained in thermography are currently strongly demanded, as it is a profession of the future. One of the advantages of thermography is that it applies in many fields of activity: engineering, architecture, electrical facilities, rehabilitation, study of pathologies in building, photovoltaics, air conditioning to train in this field and acquire a competitive level, the IMPIC company, from 1 to 5 October, organizes a course on level I with certification of Snell Infrared thermography in the hotel Solvasa Barcelona. The course is taught by expert instructors of the company The Snell Group the duration of the course, which is performed in Spanish, is 32 hours and covers the theory and applications of infrared thermography in the preventive maintenance, quality control, monitoring of control and non-destructive testing of field materials. What is included in the course? The material to be covered in this level I includes infrared theory, concepts of heat transfer, operation of equipment of thermal images and specific recommendations of how to obtain high quality thermal images, clear, concise, and easy to interpret.

Students will learn the basic techniques of inspection, based on internationally accepted procedures and industry. An overview of the most common applications include: Systems of electricity distribution Mechanical systems Systems of steam Refractory Underground pipelines Thermography active Inspections of buildings Roofs of low slope Non-destructive testing of materials purpose and certifications at the end of the training of Snell, students will be ready to put to work in this broad technology. This course meets completely educational requirements for certification in accordance with the practice recommended no. SNT-TC-1A, defined by the American Society of nondestructive testing (ASNT, by its acronym in English).

First Digital Camera

A digital camera is an accessory for every type of person. Not because it was a camera, but because it is the only device that helps maintain and preserve the good moments captured forever. There are thousands of types of digital cameras on the market to choose. He used to see many confused people which digital camera purchase, then I decided to write a guide that could resolve many doubts and people can take note of things that are really important to buy your first digital camera. The sensor of the camera sensor is one of the pieces most important camera and keeping it running, metaphorically is the heart of our body. That is why it is called digital camera because it has the sensor light sensitive, stirring this sensor our digital camera would not have any use. In past years, when the technology was not so advanced, the idea of introducing a digital camera to anyone is spent per head, sensitive lights were used in the camera with which were made films of that era, images were formed when the films are exponian to light.

However the drawback of the technique was that once the piece of film was exposed to the light already could not utlizarce to other outlets (artistic photography course). However, in this era of digital cameras, the rules have changed. However, that technical and photosensitive film have been completely replaced by sensors. Sensors also act exactly like the photosensitive films (and are too sensitive to light), but with the advantage that gives us the possibility of a practical reusable sensitive light films. This leaves us with the conclusion that when you buy your first digital camera, performs research on the sensor used by different camera companies in the manufacture of the type of camera you are going to buy. The optical zoom is the King, the digital zoom is junk very often I see people who are confused between digital and optical zoom.

Digital Television

Preference for this technology because it offers huge advantages over analog Television, these are summarized as follows: to provide high spatial resolution, greater realism that can be seen in a larger screen is possible. Clear the way toward a more computerized society, since it allows the TV-PC convergence. The TV can support data from telecommunications services, supplying a large number of services. Better quality of image and sound. The signal is robust against interference, noise and multipath propagation.

It allows the simple reception at home and little expensive. The reception can be portable or in motion. Use of a smaller number of frequency because you can use SfN networks. It requires less transmission power. It increases the amount of programs with respect to current TV, favouring multiple programs and multimedia services in each radio channel. The multiplicity of audio channels makes it possible to obtain surround sound as used in cinemas and transmit different languages with the same program of video. (3)(7) The HDTV is the variant of Digital Television that more definition offers, for this reason inherits the DTV many of the advantages that it offers, in addition to promoting higher quality in terms of image and sound. RRESULTADOS.

REQUIREMENTS for the implementation of HDTV in the ICU carried cabos tests, the first requirement once to highlight is that the clients machines should have, at least 246 MB of RAM and a processor at 2.40 GHz. The bandwidth required to transmit high definition videos are usually larger than needed to transmit Television in any other legislation, to give an example: bandwidth to transmit HD video uncompressed in the 720 p format is near the 354 Mbps, and in format 1080i about 1.5 Gbps; These single applications are available for high speed Internet 2 networks. This video is typically compressed; in this thesis will opt to propose the H.264 codec based on an investigation that was carried out in a manner parallel to this, with subject: proposal of a compression standard for mounting of HDTV in the ICU.