It is useful to read the documentation before purchasing a device with which you plan to 'Make friends' your new tv, and verify the existence of similar interfaces for the connection. Analyze the above parameters, but do not look only at them. Most importantly, according to our experts, stick the following tips. Before buying be sure to check the picture on the maximum 'clean' signal – dvd. If you plan to watch tv on your tv (and you probably plan to), you should check your tv and antennae. If you look at the new panel, our normal channels, you'll need most is a good antenna. However, if you're in an apartment using a common antenna, then from you little depends. Do not forget that from the size of the tv depends on the quality of the image received by the antenna.

Try to set a number of large and small tv, you will immediately see the difference. So keep this in mind if you plan to, for example, watch News on lcd giant. Quality is likely to disappoint you. No need to chase a particular brand, speak in one voice experts. You need to look at the picture quality is a specific tv, its no representation documents the parameters you are not guaranteed. It is best if you have decided on a diagonal, to take the models of all manufacturers and look at the color saturation at standard settings. It's worth noting that tv Company 'X' yesterday and today – two very different things.

Moreover, it can take 2 copies of a model of a single source – and we get a different picture, no matter how we set up. Nikita from 'M. Video' notice about this following: the technology has not worked out until the end, someone calls it a 'crude' even now, but it is growing rapidly and will soon be able to provide image quality equal to the color rendering of what we have on the usual crt TVs. As for prices, they are the last 1,5 years fell by about 3 times. Prices for lcd TVs continue to fall and now. The fact of falling prices is recognized by all. If you compare prices for lcd panels and crt televisions in the segment Small TVs (up to 30 '), the difference is very noticeable: TVs, liquid crystal is more expensive at about 4-6 times. For large (up to 36 ') ratio varies in the smaller side, here the lcd panel is 2-3 times more expensive. Based on two TVs the latter category are building home theaters, but here the lcd panel is displaced plasma TVs.