At present, social researchers and political and social organizations often use the term “social democracy” to describe and propose the opening of new spaces for action by citizens.
For there to be a “political democracy” requires certain conditions: the rule of law, division of powers, universal suffrage, fair elections, term of office in public acts of government control systems. But the idea of “social democracy” is based on the fact that the mechanisms of political decision-making is inserted a larger social systems of which it is party, and where everyday social relations between people are shaped by power relations that usually not structured according to democratic principles.
J. Herrero Yustas think of this:
” How much democracy and where democracy ‘in relation to this question, we want to advance a radical democratic homogeneously in all vectors of democratization, while at the other extreme, a conservative Democrat, prefer low eno many of these vectors …. What areas beyond the regime (political) should be the democratic mechanisms of decision making and the principle and the rights of citizenship ‘… dealt with these issues requires theories of democracy have not been written yet. “
Habermas J RGEN and Norberto Bobbio has oriented its work to deepen the democratic dynamic and have developed extensive budgets and challenges inherent in the concept of “social democracy”.
Habermas argues that democracy lives on budgets or Institutions or state legal rules created, but only channel. Through his theory of communicative action, and its model of a deliberate policy, has sought deepen communication processes that occur not institutionalized into the fabric of all types of organizations that comprise civil society and building a people as active agents in decision-making processes. In this sense Habermas has stressed the importance of dialogue processes, reasoning, deliberation and consensus, to establish democratic societies.. Check out altavista for additional information.