Since the 21.05.2013, DocCheck provides three more applications with a medical focus in the app store. The Cologne-based company offers now a total of seven apps. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ali Partovi. Cologne, 28.05.2013 the three app news request the mobile interaction of the user. At the MemoryCheck “app uses two different tasks based on the N-back test that trains the short-term memory. The ReactionCheck “app measures the response time of the user.

To different characters appear randomly on the screen, which must be recognized then as soon as possible. The TremorCheck is the third app in cahoots”. It collects the tremors of the hands and allows a correct analysis also at ease twitching. The bestseller among the DocCheck apps and even in the meantime at number one in the category medicine on the app store, is the application PulseCheck”. They measures using the iPhone’s camera changes the contrast of the blood stream, which is caused in the fingertip pulse and calculate the current heart rate as a result. Doccheck the social Medwork networks for a better medicine: through simplified access to scientific content, and direct technical interchange in the community DocCheck health service providers helps to deepen their knowledge and improve their daily work. Over 910.000 registered users medworken”already.

Thus, DocCheck is the largest community for medical professionals in Europe. Almost every second doctor or pharmacist in Germany is a member of the DocCheck and uses our diverse means of communication and information on the topic of healthcare. Direct marketing are among the most important business models by DocCheck via DocCheck news or bMail, research in the areas of clinical studies or market research, as well as social media based marketing with DocCheck InSite. A growing number of pharmaceutical companies uses the possibility to attract audiences without wastage. How to contact with DocCheck AG corporate communications Tanja Mumme?Bird’s anger str. 66, 50823 Cologne fon: + 49-221-920 53-139 fax: + 49-221-920 53-133 eMail: