Month: May 2013

Electoral Campaign

/ The leader of the PSOE, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, closed the campaign in Madrid and made it clear that voting is the most powerful lever. Rajoy accompanied Cospedal in Castilla – La Mancha and both commented that the PP intends to make history with capital letters in the elections of 22-M. thousands of people are protesting again in the Puerta del Sol. End of electoral campaign and last day to request vote of the regional and municipal elections of this 22-M. While in the Puerta del Sol and other Spanish squares thousands of people have gathered to protest at the current political and social system, the main party leaders have agreed that voting is the best medium of Exchange.

Thus expressed, for example, the Prime Minister and leader of the PSOE, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who has expressed his respect for who does not want to go to the polls the 22-M, but he wanted to make clear that the vote is the most powerful lever.We ask the people to vote, respect does not want who vote. I disagree, but I respect them, said Zapatero at the end-of-campaign rally, before you put the accent on that vote is more powerful shift lever that there is and the tool to carry out reforms. The closing campaign has been in Hall 5 r ecinto ferial Juan Carlos I de Madrid, where the PSOE has managed to bring together some 4,000 militants and sympathizers Socialists, according to the Organization, as well as several Ministers, such as Elena Salgado, Valeriano Gomez and Cristina Garmendia. Zapatero has exhibited the flow of services to Spain by the PSOE: although not let’s us medals, we are that we do things, he has emphasized. We are a party that since Pablo Iglesias born to vindicate and govern, commit ourselves, make decisions, make us responsible for things, make the changes he has promised.

Superior Unit

A top unit Teodulo Lopez Melendez Recogi my ideas about a third option in an e-book of the same name available in Google. I did it before the legislative elections to consciousness that the polarising results opacarian approach. Indeed, the victory proclaimed by the opposition strengthened in Venezuelans the idea of an opposition unity was the only way to deal with the serious risks that are pouring on the Republic. Again I invite my compatriots to read that my book because I have the ethical certainty that their approaches are absolutely in place. The same way that the new National Assembly was conformed indicated clearly that it had sacrificed everything for the sake of a foolish electioneering. The LOPE, the REP, official abuse had accepted and marches without meaning had been used to dilute the will of the people waiting for an electoral process where the determination of new constituencies made impossible obtained voting to be reflected in number of elected deputies.

We also warned that the result would not lead to anything other than a proclamation that in 2012 would be a resounding victory. Ignoring for the moment the alarming results of the by-election on December 5 I must say abundantly represented in the MUD by political parties decreased unit, whose vote is nothing more than sample of one that the country gives by its monopoly of the nominations, not enough nor is self-sufficient to face serious dilemmas that beset us. The polarization is harmful, extremely harmful. Regime lives on it and we must say that the MUD also. It is a feedback where always wins that holds power. Moreover, a simple reading of the first pages of the national newspapers shows a dangerous tendency to a more serious confrontation. For example, farmers harassed by expropriations bulk react by saying that they will defend their properties with their lives, which reminds us of situations in neighbouring countries.