Technology Gmb

Range in-house recycling in-house recycling plays a role primarily in the manufacture of plastic packaging. In the production of the film including the margins, which are due slightly thicker through the production process – are truncated. It caused long Ribbons that are recycled on-site. To do this, the foil strips in a mill are ground. The ground material is mixed with the material again. To ensure that metal particles, which can reach for the grinding process in the material is reliably removed, to conduct the foil flakes before processing by metal separators. Foil stabilization and extruder are caused by metal particles, safely protected from damage.

Recycling of packaging for the recycling industry has developed standardized and individual complete solutions S + S, which separate impurities from old packaging or separate these material flows into pure fractions. Wear decisively helped that recycling materials again profitable can be traced back from used packaging (plastic, glass, metal, etc.) into the production cycle. Of the actuator system for rough sorting tasks down to the highly sensitive particle separation – S + S covers the whole range of source separation and sorting of material flows. S + S at a glance S + S separation and sorting Technology GmbH, Schonberg, provides equipment and systems for the detection /-separation, product inspection and sorting of material flows forth. The sales of the products is focused mainly on the food, plastics, chemical, pharmaceutical, wood, textile and recycling industry. S + S one of the leading suppliers on the world market is with subsidiaries in Britain, China, Singapore, France and the United States, a representative office in India, and more than 40 offices around the world. Currently 200 people are employed at the main plant in Schonberg. More details of S + S separation and sorting Technology GmbH Brigitte Rothkopf Regener road 130 D-94513 Schonberg Tel. +49-(0)8554-308 274 fax +49-(0)8554-2606 e-mail: