CAQ System

Holistic quality management with solutions from Bohme & Weihs as of one of the first providers of CAQ Bohme & Weihs dealt with the implementation of total quality management of the computer-aided quality management in the 90s and the CAQ software CASQ builds on this basis the performance characteristics-it continuously off. This year’s control, Bohme & Weihs has perfected even further the approach of holistic quality management: Fusion of Prozessflowchart – and CAQ software: access from the process modeling software ViFlow on all applications and key figures in the CAQ system CASQ-it, as well as taking over the defined structure of the process, for example, for audits to VDA 6.3 or process FMEAs. Import CAD drawings on push of a button: fast creating test plans through CAD import via infra-CONVERT and edit several hundred characteristics in the table fast entry. Maximum efficiency through the re-use of the drawing data within all the CASQ-it modules. At Peter Asaro you will find additional information. Consistent data usage by the FMEA to to the central inspection planning: transfer of work steps with product and process characteristics of the FMEA in the control plan.

Integration of the existing data to the full detail inspection plan for each test step by the inspection of the lab and manufacturing test up to goods output testing in the CASQ-it control plan. Quality assurance and production monitoring from a single source: CASQ-it MES, the powerful MES solution from Bohme & Weihs: flexibly available via browser and iPad, perfectly linked CASQ-it CAQ. -Based system calibration data exchange according to VDI guidelines: standardised communication with the responsible calibration laboratories to test means data according to the just VDI/VDE released implemented 2623 already fully in CASQ-it. Quality-related document management: access from the familiar work environment in CASQ-it on all quality-relevant documents, such as procedures or forms to the document management system Windream. These are just a few of the highlights, which are reflected in the holistic concept of CAQ CASQ-it. Bohme & Weihs put not only the foundations for effective quality management with the involvement of all employees and all processes, but creates a never-before-seen information transparency through the tight integration of powerful tools.