
Metal has accumulated a few bucks, and decided to build his "hatinku" – certainly not as the oligarchs, but yet I with a beautiful metal, fronted zemelkoy! I wish that my family was no worse than their neighbors. True, the house close ranks near Kiev, so it is "no worse", according to my calculations, I had to pour in 45-50 thousand evergreen American tugrigkov. By calculating the available construction budget price, asks the question: is it possible to save? Gaze fell, primarily on kryshu.Metallocherepitsa informed decision for the roof Since I have some experience in construction, in the first place, thinking about the supply chain of metal – there is producer, is a wholesale store that provides large quantities, then – kryshniki working with retail, ie with me. In this case there are links between all the transportation costs, taxes and margins for all this is, after all, should I pay the price – the buyer of the metal roof. Certainly, the question arose – could, well, it, this roof? In the sense – without a roof in any way, but the change of water over the roofing material and roofing system seriously pondered. After a couple of hours studying the characteristics of different roof (asphaltic material type bipol, Technoelast, etc.) yet again returned to the metal. This product meets my needs as a future resident (roofing material must be safe, pleasing to the eye and on the "long century"), as the builder (it should be economically, efficiently, at low cost cost of laying), and both the buyer (the ratio of the cost of functionality.) With such cost and price / quality ratio analogues to replace metal was not found. Well, not the same slate lozhit, indeed! Although the same evroshifer also been investigated as an alternative. It is good that the weighs a little – about 6 kg single sheet (size 2×0, 94M), with such a list is required of all 20 nails for fastening.