Tag: promyshlennoct and equipment

Steam And Bathing For Health

A good bath begins with a couple – especially if it is a Turkish hammam, where the relatively low temperature is supported by high humidity. A pleasant, light and soft pairs can be obtained with modern equipment – steam generator for bath. Steam generator for bath processes incoming water, warming it up to a temperature at which steam is formed. Additional devices allow its flavors, and then pairs of special tubes entered the main room. Modern steam generator for bath has a set of diverse functions that facilitate control, allow you to create different conditions in the steam room, changing the temperature and humidity in accordance with the wishes of visitors.

Steam generator for a bath – a complicated device with high security requirements, so it is best to choose equipment approved manufacturer with good reputation. Now the market leaders are Finnish and Swedish companies, which supply steam bath for superior quality. Sandra Akmansoy: the source for more info. It's brands like Helo, Tylo, Harvia – they are all present in the Russian market and are used in construction Turkish baths. In addition to the choice of the steam generator must also choose the right scheme for its installation and connection. At Byron Trott you will find additional information. Steam generator for bath set in a separate technical area – so it does not spoil the interior hamam and easy to maintain. Devices of this type are performed in the wall and floor options, so you can choose the most convenient option. For quality of steam bath is very important for the tube, on which the basic premise is fed pairs – the so-called steam pipe.

Moving through it, the steam cools, settles on the walls in the form of condensate, and may never reach the destination. To avoid this, a steam generator for bath establish no more than 15 meters from the guys (including possible installation of a floor above or below). Tube at the same time fit neatly, without bends, which can collect the condensate. After it is necessarily heat-insulated. Under these conditions, pairs it does not have time to cool down and gets into the bath room while maintaining the necessary parameters.

Powder Coatings

At the turn of 60-70 years of the twentieth century came a fundamentally new kind of paints and varnishes – powder paint. Impetus to the emergence and spread of powder paints were of excellent quality: non-waste technology coatings (paints almost complete recovery in powder coating, their return to the production cycle), the relative simplicity and economy of the technological process of coating (usually applied one layer instead of two or three, as when applying liquid paints), ease of automation of painting works, which contributes to a sharp increase in labor productivity, the application of powder coatings can reduce energy consumption in the production of coatings by 20-40% compared to the use of liquid paint, lowering the degree of fire and explosion hazards of production, good performance of the coatings that go beyond the physical and chemical properties of coatings prepared from liquid paints, environmental considerations – in the absence of organic solvents, paints and other volatile substances and, consequently, the absence of their release into the atmosphere from the point of protection for the environment the application of powder paints, solvent-free, has a clear advantage: no need to install expensive to clean polluted air, the effective electrostatic application of polymer powder paint provides a low level of losses. We can say that the environmental benefits of the equipment for powder polymer paint lead to economic, that is not only help reduce pollution, but also bring considerable savings to the consumer (reduced working space, reduced consumption of materials – Utilization of powder coatings over 97%)..

Extra Cost Item

When buying a used injection molding machines in an article on the repair costs increase. The new equipment at least a high probability of breakage and the appearance of defects. Besides working with the new technology has the opportunity to warranty repairs. For new thermoplastic parts is always in stock, the manufacturer, while for b in thermoplastic parts to look for. If the company is planning a permanent and continuous technological cycle, the variant used in automatic molding him no good. Latent defects, the old failures and general deterioration mechanisms can make a continuous loop impossible. The problem lies in the fact that some hidden flaws can not be detected even by careful study of technology, and in a continuous cycle, they quickly make themselves felt.

Modern injection molding machines – these are complex devices that equipped with electronic filling, different means of automated control and so on. Depending on the material, which technology to recycle these units are called reaktoplastavtomatami or injection molding machines. By design termaplastavtomaty vary widely. TPa classification is based on the efforts of the locking shape, injection volume and many other types of TPa. In addition, injection molding are divided according to their Design features: – by way of mastication – in the peculiarities of mastication – the number of sites blocking – on the peculiarities of the drive – on the axis of the cylinder molding used for the production of various polymer products of various shapes, sizes and properties. Per cycle, this technique produces one or more parts, depending on the needs and preferences TPa. Buy Used for molding the best of international manufacturers, because their techniques even previously used different quality. Problems and costs it will be much less than that of TPa dubious quality.