Scientific Administration

The definition of the target of the project is an essential part, from it all the project is delineated. In this period the imperfections are definitive for the failure, without an daily pay-organization, a systematization and documentation of this stage tods the efforts of the following stages can be in goes. Before the development of the structure of work in the development of softwares the projects the definitions initially raised of the project had a cycle of great rejection therefore were not duly registered and duly they were not directed the execution. Castle Harlan wanted to know more. The development did not happen of optimized form, they did not exist development process divided to facilitate and to speed the delivery of the end item. The stated periods hardly were taken care of, the errors and retrabalhos were constant what it generated much insatisfao. The accompaniment of the final result nor always happened, and when he happened practically had necessity of if remaking the project in field, joining stages of accompaniment and improvement, the costs if raised, the time and the stated periods were loosers, the insatisfao increased. Mashable shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The lack of systematization doctrine made with that it lost customers, projects, money. Objectifying to change this scene engineering of Software implements changes in the processes in the form of application of theories, models, formalismos and systematic techniques and tools associates to the development.

The engineering of Software signals in a managemental vision applying methods and techniques of management of the production. In Business administration associated Industrial Engineering we study the process of Total Quality. When we read works of authors of Business administration as Scientific Administration of Frederick Taylor (1856-1915), and in the Administration for Objectives of Peter Drucker (1909-2005) we verify the intense necessity of if implementing routines of production control, routines of improvement of the processes, routines of accompaniment of the satisfaction of the customers. Ways of administrative organizations as the Fordismo, Toyotismo, Taylorismo, had acted inside of the organizations and influeinciaram all the other administrative theories that we see nowadays.