Nooch Garden

Thailand – a place where the fairy tale weaves reality. Convenient geographical location of Thailand, the mild climate and wonderful nature has made it one of the most beautiful on earth. Every year, millions of tourists from around the world in search for a wonderful holiday travel to Thailand. In addition to many miles of azure white sand beaches, tourists can visit the beautiful botanical gardens, located in all corners of the kingdom. The parks will surprise you meet exotic flora and fauna, such as Nong Nooch Garden opened in 1960, you can see the oasis, home to millions of butterflies or tropical oasis, which presents hundreds of varieties of beautiful orchids.

Night time in Thailand – this time a variety of entertainment shows and performances. As the sun disappears over the horizon, at amusement parks comes time to exotic views and breathtaking show. Fans of diving will not be without a variety of magical beauty of the underwater world of tropical oceans. The coastal strip of islands bordered by an unprecedented crystal clear water, and the variety of underwater world will not leave indifferent even the most demanding drivers. Not gift say that beautiful place it is difficult to find.