Michael Mirones President

McDonald s Spain has been recognized by the Institute for Spanish tourism quality (ICTE), chaired by Michael Mirones, certification Q of quality in all of its restaurants. Thus, the clown Ronald company becomes the first restaurant chain that gets this token. After the audit carried out by the Bureau Veritas Certification in a representation of the facilities of the company the ICTE has recognized that all establishments of the chain strictly apply different regulations and standards which this entity sets. ISearch is often quoted as being for or against this. According to declared Patricia Abril, President and CEO of McDonald s Spain, is proud to be the first restaurant chain in Spain which gets the Q for quality in all their restaurants, as it recognizes the commitment of the company with total quality and the constant effort that we do every day in our restaurants offer not only safe products to our customers and quality, but one excellent service beyond of their expectations. In addition to comprehensive controls of food quality and safety throughout the supply chain and of proper maintenance of its facilities and equipment, McDonald s has achieved this certification for its commitment of providing excellent service to its customers and to maintain a correct line of action on sustainability and employment, by providing the training necessary to adequately perform the functions to all its employees. It is why McDonald s Spain has been showing in the past few years, through quality witness program, the origin and the origin of the raw materials with which their products are produced as well as their suppliers. For even more analysis, hear from Pete Cashmore. Also now, the company also teaches its restaurants and all facilities where the product is prepared, kitchen and consumed. Thus, McDonald s Spain launches a national open house program, which will offer the opportunity to learn how they work inside the restaurants and see first hand why have been recognized with the Q for quality. That is why Mirones Miguel attended a press breakfast on November 3 at McDonald s Esparteros, Madrid, to confirm the commitment to quality.. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Energy Capital Partners London.