High Definition Television

Since its inception, the UCI has pursued the goal of being the first Digital City in the country, on this basis has worked to offer its students, teachers and workers in general a wide range of computer services, including a closed television system Cable, which has contributed both to recreation and recreation, and the development and quality of the teaching process. Television transmission in the ICU are carried out through a cable network that reaches all recipients of the University and includes, in addition to educational and informational programming, the programming of National Television. The fundamental objective of the ICU Television is the dissemination of televised classes and educational programs. Since the ICU is the forefront of technological development in the country and the HDTV, today, is considered the future of television, has raised the need to begin to appreciate on the implementation of High Definition Digital Television network throughout the ICU. This would allow to select which program to view at a specific time offering users a highly interactive with the system, with a much higher quality image and sound to be mitigating the difficulties outlined above. CARACTERE STICA Ta TECHNIQUES OF Generally HDTV, high definition has had several formats and standards. All high-definition formats take the same aspect ratio of 16:9 widescreen, or need a widescreen TV (widescreen) to get all the privileges of high definition. There are two formats for High Definition Television: The format of 1920 x 1080i High Definition Common Image Format (HD-CIF) and 1280 720p HD . .