Eunice Ostrensky

Moreover, the will of the people means, in practical direction, the will of the more active part most numerous or of the people – the majority. Get more background information with materials from investor. For consequncia, the people can desire to oppress a part of its totality and against this they are not necessary minors precautions of what against any another abuse of being able. Therefore, it does not leave of to be important the limitation of the power of the government on the individuals, exactly when the detainers of the power give regularly accounts to the community, that is, its party more forte.’ ‘ (MILL, 2000: 9) Here, we have plus an extremely excellent question to the debate politician, that is, who is the call ‘ ‘ povo’ ‘ after all? Therefore throughout the time and in different societies, the concept to this respect if modifies, exactly in the society contemporary is something passive of quarrel. After all of accounts, who is people when says that such measure was taken to assure the right of this? Generally it associates ‘ ‘ maioria’ ‘ , but not necessarily this majority possesss some privilege from such measure, will depend on the perspective that if observes the called amount, the biggest amount of a sector of the society can not correspond the real extension of bigger social countenance. The trend nowadays, citing an example, is popular courts who possess advantages, therefore as we live in a society ‘ ‘ democrtica’ ‘ (and the quarrel on what it is democracy also would demand a well vast analysis), currently it takes in consideration those that are favorable to this democracy, exactly that only theoretically, therefore many are infiltrated in democratic systems they theoretically use and them with this prerogative for other ends, being legitimated for being using something for the people, what theoretically it would become undisputed the performance, since they primam a priori for the majority. But we know, as ‘ ‘ bom’ ‘ realistic Maquiavel it mentioned, the things are well different of what we imagine to be. Thus being, it must be taken very well-taken care of when to support, for example, a candidate, or to see a measure that says to be on behalf of the people, having to before know the one whom people if they relate and same being for the majority, which the functionality of this, if in the end of the accounts will exactly go to favor or if he only served to have the initial support.

E more still, the point where also Mill makes mention, does not mean that 51%, for being majority, must pass over the others 49%, taking in consideration the individual while legislator of the society and agent in the social context. Thus having, to limit the power of this ‘ ‘ povo’ ‘ that it governs, for wounding the sovereignty of the individual that also is responsible and root cause of the power of that they govern. Bibliographical reference: MILL, John Stuart. The Freedom; Utilitarismo. translation: Eunice Ostrensky.