Economics Profession For Pharmacists – Continuing Education Studies At The University Of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden

Professional management for successful pharmacies due to the great popularity and the very positive response of previous students launched the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden (fhS) the continuing education Bachelor of pharmacy business Economist (FH) “back to the summer of 2009.” Absolvierbare part-time study allows a professional approach pharmacists and pharmacists with business issues, what is needed now more than ever. Regardless the current difficult situation of the German economy had and pharmacies with various problems must sit apart. The pressure of competition between pharmacies with each other as well as with mail-order pharmacies will continue to definitely. Medium-sized companies will be increasingly affected by the development in the pharmacy market, the gap between big and small will become more open. The continuing education Bachelor of pharmacy business Economist (FH) “offers the opportunity to extend their outstanding pharmaceutical expertise to economic competence pharmacists and pharmacists.” By a larger and more complex business knowledge new individual routes can be taken or provided also familiar to the economic test.

During two semesters with six on multi-day seminars the necessary for the pharmacy ingredients of business are taught practical and lecturers with pharmaceutical experience. Curriculum are general business administration, management and organization, pharmacy marketing, corporate finance, Pharmacy Law, procurement and inventory management, operational information processing and health economics. More information to the admission criteria, the application, the programme structure, the audit services and tuition fees are available from the Center for continuing education at the fhS: University of applied sciences Schmalkalden Center for continuing education.