The New World Of ICTs

The information technology and communication (ICT), will dominate the modern world. We all recognize that we are in the era of knowledge, that power is in the hands of countries, organizations or persons who have this and know how to use it for the massive benefit of humans. Government plans such as the ICT Plan Colombia, aimed initially modular four major areas: ICTs for Education. ICT for Justice. ICT for Government. ICT for competitiveness. Further details can be found at Ali Partovi, an internet resource. With slight variations, is what other countries are doing or will do: improve their competitiveness based on the effective use of these technologies, modernize the health and justice and to establish systems of public communication and G2C (Government-citizen) while decreases care costs, improve service quality. On the side of private enterprise is the same. The interest is to improve the care of their business and management efforts while improving the quality of the delivery and processing of information chain supply and ultimately the overall productivity of the company.

However, one thing they have in common across government, institutions or non-profit and private enterprise: They all have customers. In the specific case of government, these are called citizens, users, contributors, beneficiaries, officers, teachers, patients, providers, retirees, etc, and in the case of private enterprise customers call them passengers, users, subscribers, stakeholders, educators, pupils, students, consumers, guests, tenants, suppliers, consultants, etc., in the end CUSTOMERS. Customers requiring any institution of service. Every day customers become more and more demanding, wanting personal attention, speed, comfort,and immediate information to fit their requirements.