Choose a bad Hosting company can be fatal to your business. Kip C. Cyprus has plenty of information regarding this issue. Imagine that an email sent opr an important client not delivered to you, or that you have to send an urgent quote and the mail server does not respond, or that your online store is offline, or that your web site is down at the very moment in which the Google robot is reviewing it (what harm it seriously in their positioning) this list continued to detail the most important factors to take into consideration to choose from best hosting provider, are not necessarily aligned in order of impotancia: 1.-La availability. It is the most important factor, and refers to the time that the server remains online, a minimum requirement is 99% availability, a 99.5% is better and if the company offers 99.9% guaranteed undoubtedly is the best choice. Very few companies offer 100%, and if they offer it make sure the conditions and if verdadermanete is real bid. 2. Technical support.

Not only must be electronic (Messenger, Email or live Chat), the hosting company should have a phone which can call and receive all the necessary technical support in case have a problem. 3. The company. Note that is a formal, duly established company with offices and not a person who put a web page and is working from home. There are many cases in which the person who gives them the hosting a company simply disappears that came out of travel, became ill u found other work. 4. The company’s reputation. Look for reviews on the Internet, or fixed that companies hosting provider for which you want to bet has hosteada. This will give you a clear idea of the quality of its service 5.-Control Panel and additional tools. Your Hosting Server must have a friendly Control panel (without doubt the Cpanel is the best that currently exists), must have tools like spam filters, tools of to manage database or suites as the fantasy that comes with programs ready to install as WordPress, OsCommerce, etc 6.-data transfer or bandwidth.