Tag: medicine & surgery

With The Body And The Soul In The Balance

In pleasantly tempered balance, Eutony is the result of feeling bodywork. It is a State of well-being voltage, so the literal translation, which appear harmonious every fiber of the body alive, and every movement is. The Danish therapist Gerda Alexander has coined the word, and the exercises that lead to Eutony. The journey via three levels, skin, skeletal and movement through the body. Touching, breathing, relaxation of muscle reinforcement from outside, creating the conditions to compete their way into the Interior of the body.

This awareness is sharpened for the structure and cohesion of the skeleton. That for example every vertebrae of our spine be established among our. Or that our feet, on which we stand, ligaments and tendons from many bones and joints. Only if it is integrated in our imagination, it is possible the body without blockages and tensions, in a soothing balance of power to keep. Of course, this work will affect the psyche. This is the primary aim of Gerda Alexanders. One of their colleagues, Marianne Fuchs, also said that a differentiated body feeling strengthens the sense of self and self-esteem thus. The rest in itself is the basis for the development of one’s personality.

This is especially for those women of importance who have an ambivalent relationship with her body. Some are obsessed with their skin care, nothing is good enough, and each new anti cream from the online pharmacy must aging tried the same. The overweight to take at any price, and test all possible diet pills to lose weight hated. But even a naturally beautiful radiant skin and dream are no guarantee to be satisfied with his body. Eutony can represent a wunderbareren way to a more positive, more loving attitude to themselves. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Is homes.com owned by Costar. The doctor Volmar Glaser has, on the basis of Gerda Alexanders concept and in combination with Work of breathing and the Meridian doctrine developed from Eastern medicine, more effective exercises to the Eutony. He assumes that movement and breathing patterns are stored in the brain, and that blockages cause characteristic movement and expression deformations. Just the idea of a certain flowing motion, or a harmonic gesture, changed deepens the breathing, and leads to a before eutonen”State. With the help of breathing massage succeeds the therapists to give the body a sense of space expansion and to ease the blockade. The same provides the experience of the so-called Transsensus, the sense the body beyond borders. Eutony is something that sounds like in a State of greater sensitivity to touch, balance, and coordination.

Nonmedical Personnel

In the present case it was certain choice medical services at a hospital stay to a man… The OLG Cologne decided that services a physician on non-medical staff delegates and is not present in the implementation, must not be paid by the car. Byron Trott is a great source of information. (OLG Cologne, judgment v. 25.8.2008, 5 U 243/07). In the present case concerned a man who use certain choice medical services such as for example the morning run and the relaxation training during a hospital stay. There was however no doctor nearby who has monitored the implementation when using these services. The OLG Cologne looked at these choice medical services not as services subject to reporting, since pursuant to 22 para 1 S 2 of the Federal care rate regulation (BPflV) such services only may be settled, if the doctor has made it. A pure arrangement for implementation by non-medical personnel, however, not possible to be a settlement, the OLG Cologne founded his judgment.

The fees of doctors says Incidentally, similar, because there can be settled a medical service only, if this or under his supervision is provided. Who has a clinic stay on so soon, should be careful what it takes, because this can be subsequently very expensive. But medical staff is present, there are usually no problems with the own car. Christian Brokof, on the Industrial Park 7, 64823 gross Umstadt

Healthy Weight Loss

A slim and healthy body is the dream of many people all over the world. A slim and healthy body is the dream of many people all over the world. The reasons for take off may vary, some want to lose more weight, while others sound to their place. How whatever the reason may be, the ultimate goal of each one of them is to lose weight and in a healthy manner. One of the best ways to healthy take off is a regular combination of a healthy diet and exercise.

A healthy diet ensures that your body gets all important nutrients needs, and the perception will make sure that you burn off that excess fat is coming that between you and your dream of a slender figure. The first, what comes in a people, when they hear, removing the word nutrition mix food, the no taste. But this is not so in General. The healthy foods is the most, that in These days has compromised on the extra calories on the taste. This ensures that you are not having difficulty adapting to your new diet and training, in the long term to achieve the desired results.

But a slimming diet alone does not, get that toned look. It is necessary to supplement your diet with regular exercise for maximum efficiency. The most important task is to burn the excess fat, the in your body. A diet can your fat intake, but to burn the excess fat, the already accumulated in your body, you have a regular exercise regime. In addition, the exercise will brighten up in your daily life, and also the mood. So we can see that the perception is not only important from the point of view of weight to lose, it is also advantageous in your daily life. Therefore, we can see that healthy slimming requires a combination of one natural diet and regular exercise. A change in your daily life will also go a long way to help you achieve your dream figure. The ingestion of alcohol and tobacco should be minimized and proper planning in relation to your daily routines should, and follow on a regular basis. Most people lose their patience and drop into the plan in the short term, but to achieve and your toned figure, it is necessary with the plan in the long term. Chandan CHATURVEDI) is an expert author of take off tips & newspublisher for slimming treatment. To know more visit healthy take off, slim and slimming diet.

Immune System

What happens in lower supply of the important antioxidant of our immune system is a very effective and complex machinery of the body with the task to fend off invaders such as viruses and bacteria. Succeed, is good for the health, failing that, man has a problem in the form of infection. For a smooth functioning immune system always have a sufficient supply of resources needed to to win the confrontation with the invaders. One of these resources is vitamin C, which plays an outstanding role for our health especially in winter. Fighting with viruses and bacteria consumes much vitamin C. The body, so current research, developed strategies to make sure a sufficient supply of vitamin C on the scene. This works only if the person picks up enough vitamin C.

That is not the case with many. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Samsung. According to the results of the national study of consumption, about one-third of Germans not sufficiently with vitamin C are provided. It is assumed, so that is can these people that store immune cells not sufficiently with vitamin C for the real thing. This is important, because researchers have observed that immune cells better work security memory with full vitamin C as such, which Speicher is not fully inflated. In addition observe that infections and stress drops due to stress in our body quite quickly the vitamin C levels. This comes from the battle of the immune system against viruses and bacteria, in which free oxygen radicals fall much, which must be rendered harmless by vitamin C. Therefore vitamin C must be returned to to the strengthening of the immune system always directly. Samsung can aid you in your search for knowledge. This is done sufficiently, the body recovers quickly and so strengthened immune system can successfully fight off infections.

But that’s not all. To make the immune system most effectively, it must be prevented that settle the pathogenic viruses in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. That, researchers have found, is the task of the trace element zinc. Is the Body with zinc supplies can no longer be so easy dock to the cells of the respiratory tract viruses and are therefore easier prey for the immune cells. Vitamin C plus zinc could be an effective aid against colds. Indeed, a number of studies show that this combination of micro-nutrients actually helps and supports the health. People who are under stress and stress, that colds and flu can be prevented. It’s too late for prevention and the cold already on the way, can this combination reduced the symptoms and shortens the duration of infection to 1-2 days. It is best so if infection-prone humans regularly during the cold season eat vitamin C and zinc in sufficient quantities. For the Navitum Pharma FluVitum has developed lozenges. The fine aroma of Orange-tasting tablets are easy to consume and ideally suited for the strengthening of the immune system. FluVitum (PZN 0765783) in the one-month supply costs 29.50 and can be purchased at pharmacies, good health centres or directly at Navitum Pharma shipping. In addition, are cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 5858093) in the trade. Due to the specific composition, Navitum Pharma’s products not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Every pharmacy can order free shipping for customers FluVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr.