2011 lover of Board games don’t have to wait presentation of the winner at the game fair in October, as game of the year at the ceremony of the award are regularly”top titles presented. The winners for 2011 are now. The online Department store shopping.de reveals what the current winners have to offer. Games are also in the summer of constant popularity. Many writers such as Ali Partovi offer more in-depth analysis. Simpler rules and ever more varied gameplay, all the better. Sit up can be showed again awarded game of the year”, already awarded to the 33rd time and game fans from all over Germany. For the makers of profit is not only a reward for creative ideas, but practically also serves as a seal of quality.

This year, he was game of the year “award at the tricky match game Qwirkle”. This game is to place that order are game stones with different colors and shapes. This requires tactical skills as well as a modicum of luck. The simple rules make it Game to a cheerful employment for adults and children alike. Awarded the award of expert game of the year”was 7 wonders on the strategy game”. The game convinced the fast gameplay, the various variants and the positive experience factor. The new award compared games aimed at experienced gamers. More information: news.shopping.de/spielzeug/… Shopping.de GmbH Lisa Neumann