Tag: last-minute

Inmaculada Montalban

/ 74% Of complaints are rridas to actions and attitudes registered inside the family home. Less than 1% of the 130,000 issued restraining orders have been broken. They are offered by the Observatory of domestic violence and gender data. The daily average of complaints filed by violence against women in Spain is 361, of which 74% are rridas to actions and attitudes registered inside the family home, according to data of the Observatory of domestic violence and gender. Its President, Inmaculada Montalban, has offered these data during his speech Tuesday in a course on gender violence organized by the Lex Forum in Denia (Alicante).

Throughout her exhibition, Montalban has pointed out that of the more than 130,000 restraining orders that have been dictated, less than 1% have been broken and have much less finished with mortal victim. Only two out of ten women cited Observatory, seconded to the Council General of power denounce Judicial (CGPJ), has among its objectives analyzing the response that gives the administration of Justice in the field of gender-based violence. One of the worrying figures that has facilitated Montalban is the number of women victims of gender-based violence that do not report abuse. In particular, in ten, only two or three decide to denounce them. After stressing the importance of coordination between the various institutions working in the fight against violence against women, Montalban has congratulated Government of the Valencian Community institutions because at the municipal level, something that is essential, the safety seals maintain regular coordination meetings to act and have identified available resources of care and assistance. Source of the news: in Spain are presented more than 360 daily allegations of violence against women

Electoral Campaign

/ The leader of the PSOE, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, closed the campaign in Madrid and made it clear that voting is the most powerful lever. Rajoy accompanied Cospedal in Castilla – La Mancha and both commented that the PP intends to make history with capital letters in the elections of 22-M. thousands of people are protesting again in the Puerta del Sol. End of electoral campaign and last day to request vote of the regional and municipal elections of this 22-M. While in the Puerta del Sol and other Spanish squares thousands of people have gathered to protest at the current political and social system, the main party leaders have agreed that voting is the best medium of Exchange.

Thus expressed, for example, the Prime Minister and leader of the PSOE, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who has expressed his respect for who does not want to go to the polls the 22-M, but he wanted to make clear that the vote is the most powerful lever.We ask the people to vote, respect does not want who vote. I disagree, but I respect them, said Zapatero at the end-of-campaign rally, before you put the accent on that vote is more powerful shift lever that there is and the tool to carry out reforms. The closing campaign has been in Hall 5 r ecinto ferial Juan Carlos I de Madrid, where the PSOE has managed to bring together some 4,000 militants and sympathizers Socialists, according to the Organization, as well as several Ministers, such as Elena Salgado, Valeriano Gomez and Cristina Garmendia. Zapatero has exhibited the flow of services to Spain by the PSOE: although not let’s us medals, we are that we do things, he has emphasized. We are a party that since Pablo Iglesias born to vindicate and govern, commit ourselves, make decisions, make us responsible for things, make the changes he has promised.