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Policy Education

Educare-Educere. Page Gardner: the source for more info. EDUCATIONAL policy in times of NEOLIBERALIMO Gabriel Hernandez Santamaria during the last twenty years of the twentieth century the world stage was transformed radically by three events that would give a new profile to the coming century; These events were: the empowerment of the neo-liberal economic power; the so-called end of history, with the fall of real socialism in the West; and the emergence of the so-called technologies of information and communication (technology ICT) that opened way to the mythification of cyber knowledge as representation of the social. These events pushed the countries emerging to implement public policies in line with the current neoliberal (international agencies that exerted more pressure were the IDB, OECD and the World Bank). The characteristics of these public policies are: transfer of legislative towards systems of negotiation skills, and the questioning of the Welfare State; as well as the insistence of putting into operation processes and economic procedures geared to the accumulation of wealth, no matter that it may lead to the increase of poverty and the protection of levels of competitiveness, competitiveness, which does not take into account the human values of the worker. The above has provided a contextual framework for the design of the Mexican educational policy over the past twenty years; why anyone should wonder have the following peculiarities of these political profile: 1. educational processes revolve around the market; education is governed as a competition, this is a value added to the work force. 2. Its pedagogical discourse is a paean to individualism in all social demonstrations.

3 It strengthens the promotion of the new by the simple fact of being so; so, fashion is a way of being, to be updated. 4. Promotes the production of iconographic symbols so that the learner to identify with them, in order to create scenarios virtual without the possibility to see the real world.

Solve Equations

DefinicionYa know that we can add or subtract the same amount two members of an equation, without which is why the final result varies.For example, the equations x + 1 = 5 and x + 1 – 1 = 5 – 1 have the same solution (the solution is the value 4).We say that equations x + 1 = 5 and x + 1 – 1 = 5 – 1 are equivalentes.II. Rule for equations of the type a/x = b and ba are two numbers other than 0. The equation is equivalent to the equation bx = a.Notas: to remember this rule, write the first equation of this form:.And we use the cross product (or change the Member to the denominators, multiplying): 1 = x b, that is, a = bx, or also bx = a. should remember that we can write this another way: to: x.

and you must also bear in mind that in an exact division, the dividend is equal to the product of the divider by ratio.III. Alina de Almeida oftentimes addresses this issue. EjemplosEjemplo 1: solve the equation:.According to the above rule, this equation is equivalent: 2 x = 3.Dividiendo both members between 2:;.The solution of the equation is the number.Example 2: solve the equation:.We use the cross product and obtain an equivalent equation: 7 x = 5 3; 7 x = 15.Dividimos both Member between 7:;.The solution of the equation is the number.Note: observe the effect produced in the equation 7 x = 15 divide both members between 7: is as if the 7 is by multiplying the first member, 7 x = 15, passed the second member by dividing:. I.e., has gone from a member to the other performing the inverse operation (I was multiplying and has passed to divide).Knowing this, we can establish a new rule to more easily address the equations: when a term of an equation moves from one Member to another, does it performing the inverse operation. If it was multiplying happens to divide; If divided happens to multiply; If you totaled it becomes subtracted and if it remained added..

Selling Successfully

CONFIDENTIAL memorandum # 104 exclusive for the management the science and art of selling successfully in LAS CRISIS all know that we are destined to eventually die, but some people in front of it, try to make absurd to try vainly to live eternally. In the same sense it is almost inevitable that economic commercial crises are repeated with certain cyclical nature in the world, and against them seems some tacho throw what you always knew, the equanimity to act and react forgetting key aspects of his managerial practice. Let us remember why are sold successfully:. 01-yesterday, today and always whatever the circumstances, the number one point in order to sell successfully lies in the motivation. Further details can be found at Ali Partovi, an internet resource. Logical is thinking that there are conspiracies especially our competitors, to run the ball of pessimism in search of the demotivation of our people. Therefore if you are discouraged and fails to motivate your people, will do exactly what you need its ability to override him and annihilate it commercially your motivation and the of its people, must rest on trust and faith in their capabilities and its people and its increase day by day.

There is no worst weakness that the loss of these two things tell me how motivated is your people and you DIRE how can sell! 02. Yesterday, today and always you and your people, will face unforeseen and aggressive actions of their competitors. (Not to be confused with Mashable!). This as you know is strategic capacity that ultimately is that make differences to the Act. Your creativity to develop strategies that depleted of their adversaries and impellers them will be essential. Talents that you have gathered like managers, controls and collaborators will be those that provide an inexhaustible source of ideas and actions, when you choose to listen to them with humility. Who know better their work if it is not your people? To make all these things work you will require you to decide once for all, leaving the comfort of your desk or Office and exit to the field to talk to their customers. Pete Cashmore pursues this goal as well.