Tag: creativity

Medical Clinics

Methods of the use of the SMS for reminder of medical appointments. Nowadays it is necessary to consider that one of the best methods in order to contact with the people they are the movable telephones given the possibility of using them at all the moments of the day. In addition, the communication via SMS guarantees the reading confirmation and has major index of reading and answer that other means. By all this it is a trustworthy communication of reminder of medical appointments, since it would read it to the patient at the moment and the possibility that would not fit the SMS did not arrive at the adressee. On the other hand the medical clinics every time more are computerized and they are adapting to the new technologies. Many of them already have basic data where they register all patients and they have electronic agendas to the reminder of the appointments.

For this reason they would have to consider the advantages of the communication via SMS. One of the main ones is the following one, the patients receive the SMS of reminder of their appointment a day before the same, or in any case as it would prefer it to the doctor, and so the patient would have sufficient time for the cancellation of the same and with the security from which the reminder would arrive at the adressee without no kind of problem. Takes us as much to the reduction of costs in telephone calls, as in shipment of post office and therefore in a gain of time in the employees, since the person who dedicated itself to realise the calls or to make letters can dedicate itself to other more important tasks. Another one of the advantages is that this system of mail would be including in an Agenda SMS with which the doctor could write down his appointments and the system of the agenda would send an automatic SMS for the reminder of the same. Said SMS it would be sent customized to each one of the patients. Besides what has been said previously the SMS would have guaranteed cover and a quite economic cost.

Yes you consider that it is a good form of communication and you would like to prove it you can ask for a gratuitous test to the suppliers of this service, thus you can try reliability and the use of the applications.

Compartment Syndrome

Compartment syndrome is a medical condition often derived from the completion of the work, and may also appear after traffic accidents and other events that may result in traumatic injury. It could, likewise, develop chronic form by carrying out activities that make intensive use of certain muscles, for example of sporting character. Occurs when the nerves and blood vessels of a certain part of the body or muscle area (usually the arms, hands, legs, buttocks or the abdomen) are subject, within an enclosed space, considerable pressure (e.g., derived from internal bleeding or inflammation). As we will see, its treatment and correction it is possible always it is detected in time. A diagnostic failure could, in this sense, have terrible, and may be considered compensable medical malpractice consequences. The symptoms of this ailment and its treatment the person who suffers from this syndrome usually present a symptomatic picture that might include:-pain, which might seem disproportionate in relation to the injury suffered (and which derived inflammation or internal bleeding). -Puncture.

-Decreased sensitivity and possible paralysis in any member. -Very characteristic appearance of the area where this is suffering, with pale, bright and smooth appearance of the skin. -Weakness in the area. Once detected, most often is requiring surgical intervention of emergency, called fasciotomia, consisting in the opening of the fabric in order to release the pressure that the affected area of the body is subjected. The real risk of compartment syndrome. Medical malpractice for failure of diagnosis with its detection and treatment early this could be resolved without any problem. However, if faults or delays in diagnosis occur, ongoing pressure to which nerves and tissues are subjected may cause irreversible damage, giving rise to permanent and, in the worst cases paralysis, determining the need for amputation of the affected limb. We are talking about very short deadlines, for several hours at least, with what a quick action is critical.

Any error by optional physician in the examination of the patient could lead to a fatal, and can then delay his performance be considered medical negligence compensable in nature. If you’d suffered an event of this nature you don’t delay you and request the Council of a lawyer specialized in negligence committed by facultative doctors. He can advise you about your chances in the event of a claim.