Tag: construction and repair

Generator – A Rational Choice For The Cottage

Buying a cottage – an important and responsible event in the life of every person. For some people, cottage is the site of seasonal outdoor activities surrounded by beautiful nature with its forests and waters. Others consider the acquisition as a permanent year-round residence. But in any case, people and nature tends to comfortable conditions. Therefore, modern cottages or nearly as much and sometimes more city apartments are equipped with household appliances, various equipment and other electrical appliances. Therefore, in a cottage village requires sophisticated power supply system.

But often in remote areas electricity or none, or served with constant interruptions. In the first case it is almost completely paralyzed by civilized peoples' lives, making a living is absolutely comfortable. The second situation is not only gives the owners a lot of domestic trouble, but also negatively affects the expensive technology. After sharp drops in voltage can cause it to malfunction. Therefore, in remote locations simply must organize a system of electricity supply.

The best way to do it – to set an autonomous power. Of the three existing versions of the generators: gas, gasoline and diesel – in this case comes last. The diesel generator has a high capacity. Unit will be enough to provide electricity to the required amount of a settlement. Their reliability is also supported by the fact that it is these units are used in large enterprises, strategic facilities, hospitals and military hospitals. When the relative cheapness of raw materials and adequate supply of resources such a generator is economical. K the above characteristics should be added ease of use, safety to humans and the environment. Less important positive feature is the factor that the diesel generator can run on solar oil of any quality. It is very important because, unfortunately, the majority of retained fuel is no different full compliance of eu standards. Thus, the current level of development of industrial production allows you to create a truly reliable and durable equipment that generates such an important resource as electricity, even in the most distant and remote corners of the country.

Signs Of The Coating Quality Fittings

Durability and appearance of the plumbing is primarily determined by the properties of products. Consider the basic plumbing equipment from this point of view. 1. Bath. Total sales in the lead-iron bath.

They enamel applied in several layers, so that its thickness is 2-3 times greater than that of coating the steel bath. However, this is not a virtue: the thicker protective layer, the less impact resistance. Quality Steel Bath determine the mass – if it does not weigh over 20 kg, then, is made of thin steel and will deform. Quality products have a mass of 30-50 kg. Material from which made acrylic bathtubs, in fact, is one variety of plastics. So, it is also easy to scratch, like most plastic items. The newest material for the manufacture of baths – the quarks.

On the reliability of his evidence that many manufacturers use it to produce luxury bathrooms with premium. Also recently become more popular bath of artificial stone (Corian) and injection of marble. 2. Mixer. Today, the most extended chrome coating mixers, which are produced by electroplating. Service life and property of coverage is determined by its quality and technology of its application. For example, multi-layer coating grohe faucets from the world's leading manufacturer of sanitary fittings has a thickness of only a fraction of a micron, but it is characterized by extreme hardness and stability, as well as the dazzling brilliance. A this is achieved by applying proprietary technology grohe StarLight : first product electroplate layers of copper and nickel, to produce a perfectly smooth and nonporous surface that is then applied a layer of chromium thickness is 500 times smaller than a human hair. Thus obtained coverage not only durable, but also resistant to the appearance of lime and has a soil-repellent properties. 3. Washbasin, bidet and toilet. The most common material is ceramic: earthenware and porcelain. Earthenware is porous, so that its surface is characterized by high water absorption, because of what may become rough and start to collect dirt, covered with cracks. Porcelain water practically does not absorb. However, any ceramics – a relatively fragile material. Recently, more and more in vogue glass washbasins. Glass unusually resistant to any material, easy to clean and almost no scratches. In addition, when a large thickness, it is much stronger than ceramic. Finally, there are sinks, toilets and bidets from composite materials: acrylic with mineral additives and artificial stone. But their properties we have discussed above.