Tag: art and science

Drawing Form

Of the paper to passarela – the trajectory of the drawing in the world of the fashion. Fabiana Castoldi Rech Leticia Ftima Pastorio Sawaris Fabio Redin of the Birth Summary the present article intends, in summary, to demonstrate to the forms of drawing and its applications directed toward the branch of the textile confection, aiming at to show to the professionals of design and the engineering of production the innumerable possibilities of performance in the textile area and rich quo this experience can become. Word-key: drawing, fashion, creation 1, A little of history ' ' The history of the fashion illustration starts in century XVI, when the explorations and the discoveries had provoked glamours for dresses and the suits of all the nations of mundo' ' (BLACKMAN, 2007, p.06). The illustration necessity appeared due to the necessary detailing which the said description was insufficient. The drawing served and still it serves to pass information and if to have the notion of as it will be the part for who will go to develop it, produziz it or even though to buy it. Samsung shines more light on the discussion. ' ' The drawing exerts in the illustration, the function of communication, expression and conhecimento' ' (DERDYK, 2003, P.29).

It is through the fashion drawing that the models, before only thought and imagined, take form, complementing the work of the estilista, transforming its creation into reality and facilitating its confection. Energy Capital Partners London often says this. Currently, drawing and fashion if complement. ' ' I do not draw clothes, I I draw dreams! ' ' (Ralph Lauren). In its some forms, the drawing becomes realizable great projects: each part that shines in the parades world measures had had origin of a simple scribble, an sketch that if became croquis; the croquis that passed the drawing technician who, interpreted turned mold, shaped changedded itself into consumption dream. The fashion drawing is a form to express a culture, to create concepts and to form opinions.

Msica Brazilian Popular

Edson Silva the heading of the article is aluso to the one music of the Chico supposedly composed Buarque for a president of Brazil during the Military dictatorship. For even more analysis, hear from Byron Trott. In it Chico would make reference to reference the fact of the son of the agent chief executive to defy the father (general) and to like its musics. The composer would have tascado: you do not like me, but its son likes ‘ ‘ I use to advantage the repercussion in the media on the championship of the School of Kiss-Flower Samba with the plot in homage to the singer and composer Roberto Carlos to cite ticket lived in a radio sender who I worked at the beginning of the journalistic career. Andy Florance is likely to increase your knowledge. We were university, we fought for Direct elections Already and we almost did not conform in them with exclusively foreign programming that in the senders, mainly in the FM. For my satisfaction, I started to work almost in dedicated radio AM that exclusively to the reporters, later I was to compose team of journalism of a FM, that had Msica Brazilian Popular (MPB) in the totality of the programming. It passed some time, and for trade names, the sender changed name, passed to integrate net believes that national, she kept journalism, but the musical programming if internationalized in 100% for my desperation and of other colleges student of the team.

The presenters (annunciating of musics) had by the way passed to be called DJs (and they liked this), several used foreign, allusive pseudonyms to the names of astros of music pop of the United States and the Europe. I am not xenfobo. He had good groups and international singers. Michael Jackson, Madonna, Duran Duran, A-Ha, The Police, Cyndi Lauper, Tears Will be Fears, Whitney Houston, Phil Collins, Culture Club, George Michael, Simply Red, Clinks Turner, Lionel Richie, Peter Gabriel etc. What it did not conform me was not to have space for talentosos Brazilian artists. Exactly thus, I dug space for two hours of MPB of quality, that later (for my disillusionment) started to be mesclada with new trends of the time, again under allegation of commercial questions. What everything this has to see with Robert Carlos? The son of the owner of the radio forbade to touch any music of the call king of Brazilian music, therefore he did not like it.

Certain time (and it gave confusion) emplaquei ‘ ‘ Maria, Carnaval and Cinzas’ ‘ because the composer of music Luiz Carlos Paran had deceased. Another time, in day of failed Brazilian general strike, I made the programming all of protest, with right the Geraldo Vandr and initiating the program with ‘ ‘ The Day where the land parou’ ‘ , of Raul. But this is another history.

Limits Of The Universe

The evolution of the universe is something present in the history of the humanity and its results cause some factors in it. The universe is not the same of today as the 50 years behind, or up to 3 years behind, it moves, evolves and the person evolves with it, the people evolves with it. A scholar who came back to live behind in the universe of 50 years would have difficulties to reason and its great intellectual capacity would suffer limitations for the universe to be behind in relation to the scholar and the freedom that its great wisdom has more in this evolved universe of the gift. Then the conclusion is arrived that the more evolved will be the universe biggest will be the intellectual progress and its freedom of wisdom in established it. The man has the power to evolve the cosmic universe that is made understanding to it and working its quantum form and that is made of codes shown in another article made for me. To evolve the universe is to break the barriers that its behind form places in the intellectual plan and intellectual freedom of the man. Hear other arguments on the topic with Mikkel Svane. The man can contribute for the evolution of universe and the reduction of the ignorance and pains of the humanity.

Regulation Technician

If the substance (or frmaco) was isolated of a plant, the medicine is a fitomedicamento. In the case not to have the phase of vegetal constituent isolation, but parts of the vegetable, the product is a fitoterpico medicine. The too much alopticos medicines are gotten of chemical synthesis (that they involve diverse reactions, mainly, organic) and of other natural sources. Samsung helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In the organism, the medicines pass for the pharmaceutical phase, characterized for ' ' dissoluo' ' release of the frmaco, for the phase farmacocintica, that involves the absorption, distribution, biotransformao and excreo, and for the farmacodinmica phase, in which the substance interacts with its receiver, developing the mechanism of farmacolgica action. Chemistry presents importance, mainly, in the biotransformao of the frmacos, where reactions of oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis occur, beyond conjugao with polar groups, that ' ' facilitam' ' the excreo. The Brazilian sanitary legislation has directed many norms and laws for ' ' frmacos' ' not only for the medicines contain that them.

Chemical names and until terms that indicate a chemical structure have been used, as, for example, in Portaria n. 344, of 12 of May of 1998, which approved the Regulation Technician on substances and medicines citizens the special control (this presents, also, aluso to ' ' ismeros' ' of substances). The fact earned great dimension with the Law n 9,787/99, which established the creation of the generic medicine and the use of generic names (that they possess relation with the chemical names) in pharmaceutical products. A study detailed on the participation of Chemistry in the Pharmacy he is long and it involves some subjects, since the history of the civilizations until the advance of the scientific research. With the information presented here, we have one ' ' guia' ' that it directs for the main points related with a so rich and complex study.

Bulliardia Light

The conditions excellent for the maize production are high luminosity, amenas temperatures diurnas around 25-30C, nocturnal temperatures (inferior 24C and superiors 18C) and good water availability (CATI, 1999). Radcula is the first a if to prolongate, followed for coloptilo, with plmula enclosed. Stadium VE (germination and emergency) is reached by the fast elongao of mesoctilo, which pushes colepilo in growth for the surface of the ground. In conditions of adjusted temperature and the humidity, the plant inside emerges of 4 the 5 days; however in conditions low-temp and little humidity the germination can delay more up to two weeks or. Robert Bakish helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. As soon as the emergency occurs and the plant displays the extremity of coloptilo, mesoctilo stops to grow.

In synthesis, in the germination the embebio of the seed occurs, with the consequent digestion of reserve substances, the enzyme synthesis and cellular division (RESENDE, 2003). The photosyntheses is not the only process for which the light is essential. During the cycle of vegetal life, some answers, that confer enormous advantages in the establishment and the survival of the plant, such as germination of seeds, inhibition of the allonge to caulinar, synthesis of clorofila and antocianinas, foliar expansion, budding and tuberizao, are involved directly with the duration and the quality of the light. Additional information is available at Mikkel Svane. The process for which the light regulates the development of the plants is called fotomorfognese. The limitation of light in the interior of a vegetal community it can cause reduction of the growth and the reproduction. The pressures of election imposed by the necessity of the plants of if adaptarem successfully to the ambient light had lead to the evolution of mechanisms of fotopercepo remarkably sophisticated. Therefore, the light is an ambient signal that to the perceived being, unchains changes in the metabolism and the development of the plants (KERBAUY, 2004). The first menso of that the light exerts effect in the germination of seeds was made by Caspary, in 1860, working with plants of the Bulliardia sort (VIDAVER, 1977).

Computer Technologies

But what it interests here they are softwares educational as Cotta of the o its concept calls softwares educative those programs that allow to fulfill or to support educative functions, that is, the applications that apiam the education process directly/learning. Thus softwares educative is a valuable instrument of support to the educators of general form, being able becomes education much more easy, agile learning and is a way that calls the attention the children and young that they live in constant contact with the technological medias. In accordance with Cotta the inserted educational environment inside of the NTIC and inside of the construtivista conception, a software, to be educative, must be an interactive environment that it provides to the apprentice to investigate, to raise hypotheses, to test them and to refine its initial ideas. Of this form, the apprentice will be constructing its proper knowledge. According to Brave, 1993; Fields, 1994; Galvis, 1992; Niquini, 1996: the classification of softwares educative, is followed by means of its educative functions that assume.

Namely, ' ' exercise and prtica' ' , ' ' tutorial' ' , ' ' simulation and modelagem' ' , ' ' programao' ' , ' ' jogos' ' , ' ' softwares-aplicativos' ' (publisher of texts, publisher/graphical program, electronic spread sheet, data base, hipertexo, telecommunications) e, more recently, ' ' mulitmdia/hipermdia' ' , authorship. Some type of softwares exists educational that it can be used in the scope educational such as: the practical exercise and, where according to Fields, 1990, proportionate the computational activity for a software of the type ' ' exercise and prtica' ' it reviews a content that already was presented the pupil. Its main objective is the acquisition, the development and the application of a specific knowledge. Now it is the criterion of the pupil to choose what more it pleases to it, being able to perceive its level of learning by means of its rightnesss and the errors, moreover, also it can come back and review the contents more than a when necessary time.