Quality Education

In the current days it is essential to have a good professional formation and an education of quality; but nor all are born with the same luck, or at least with ways of condition. Many people dream in if professionalizing in some area technique; therefore they believe that the study it is the guaranteed life, but nor always she happens what they wait; the example of this we can cite those that only make college to carry through the dream of some familiar one. The ones that does not have the same luck, those that had not concluded 2 degree, do not obtain job in no place, or if obtains is not recognized and still they are discriminated. To certain they leave me things infuriated as for example: to be a lixeiro (gari) she needs to have completed 2 degree; but pra that so great requirement if this person alone go to collect garbage and not to recite the arithmethic table. It had to be a normal thing, exactly having completed the studies it does not mean that person is not responsible and competent. The companies are ignorant in these directions; but this depending on the company is clearly: steel mills they are this type of profile that only works there who completed the escolaridade; I ask pra that this if the company can place depending on the sector that person to working there, why what same valley is the experience; but as these people they will have experience if nobody of the no possibility to. What it would have to be led in account is that: talent, ethics and experience not if purchase in place none: it is born I obtain and if it earns throughout the life.