Modern Wood

And the first of which begins with the production of windows and where a foundation of durability of the future windows – a selection of wood and wood drying. Quality of the wood going into the manufacture of wooden boxes made up of two components: Quality of raw materials (breeds and varieties of wood, the presence of defects in lumber, etc.) technology of drying wood, as is known, is a natural material and, accordingly, all its properties laid down by nature itself. Traditional methods of processing wood and modern designs are based primarily on knowledge of these properties. That is why we deem it appropriate, at least briefly, once again highlight features (strengths and weaknesses) of wood as a natural material for making windows. Wood is a natural material, which is used for construction has for centuries, but at the same time, the technology preparation of timber and process of treatment are constantly being improved. Wooden windows provide a high degree of sound insulation and thermal insulation, as well as a comfortable air temperature in the room. The tree is subject to rot and fungal contamination by microorganisms, but modern methods of processing timber significantly improve all of its performance and prolong its service life. That is why the tree is very important pre- treatment, which directly depends on how long an wooden box.

For example, such a step as drying of wood can significantly affect the durability of wooden window and the economy on its technical characteristics. With the help of all the above, we can assess the current wooden windows: – High durability of wood with a small bulk mass, which ensures a high constructive quality – high thermal insulation and sound insulation – high frost-resistance – the ease in handling; – environmentally friendly – an attractive appearance of natural materials – maintainability. Currently, wooden windows available for all versions, various shapes and sizes. Modern Wood windows allow to use the hardware with which any possible opening: swivel, tilt, swing-out option. The use of sealing profiles and glass, allowed to increase the soundproofing of wooden windows. Current arrangements for removal of moisture (weirs), usually made of metal, securely protect tree from rotting. The tree is easily repaired by simple tools, coating paints wooden surface can easily pick any color scheme of windows. As well as using new technologies Care modern wooden windows has become even easier.