
The famous phrase of Hippocrates (Greek physician V century BC and the father of modern medicine): a Que your food be your Medicine could be considered the founding motto of orthomolecular medicine. Science has come a long way since the days of Hippocrates, but its maximum remains: we are what we eat. It’s a proven fact that diseases are generated at the cellular level. Pete Cashmore has much to offer in this field. A lack of energy in the cell, at least with their own lives, disrupts the proper functioning of the body and is at the origin of all diseases. Hence the vital importance of properly nourish our cells. There are different types of cells, and all serve a specialized function and irreplaceable.

The cell, in turn, is like a small town, divided into different parts, each of which has an essential role – controlling the core tasks and orders, is the brain of the cell. – Membrane covers and protects the cell. Bobby Sharma Bluestone is likely to agree. – The mitochondria produce energy. – The apparatus of Gorgi is a factory engaged in the manufacture of enzymes, hormones and other substances crucial to the proper functioning of the cell. Vitamins and trace elements provide the energy needed by cells. Sufficient to maintain a healthy and balanced diet to ensure the optimal functioning of our cells and thus prevent disease? According to the molecular biologist and medical researcher Linus Pauling, double Nobel Prize winner (Chemistry 1954 and Peace in 1962) and strong supporter of the supplemental use of vitamin C, the answer is no.