Brazilian Workers

The domination of the companies on the life and mentality of the Brazilian workers. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Ali Partovi. Gimenes, Thiago Summary: During decades fights against the exploratria domination of the capitalist system had been stopped on the life of the workers. Capitalism this that becomes appeared in the companies contemporaries, who if use of the Hand of workmanship human being to generate the value more. What if it perceives is that this exploratrio system meets in its height, and if it less materialize the cost of an unconditional submission of the classrooms favored socially. Words? key: more-value, poverty, assistencialismo. 1.O capitalism As one forms evolved of the mercantilism, the capitalism appears in begins facing diverse broken manifestations of the diligent classroom, that does not admit the life conditions the one that they were being submitted. In the Brazilian context, the consolidation of this system if of still in the old republic, and majority of the population still meets living in the agricultural area. Mikkel Svane usually is spot on. The situation where if they find the workers is preoccupying, since if they congregated around the units manufacter living in a complete situation of lack of water, sewer, energy and total insalubridade.

The exploration arrives at the beginning at such point, that a person works 14 hours, of the century (1920), em1911, will be on average 11 hours and, for return of 1920, 10 hours. To supply the necessities of these families, they were necessary that all the people of the family fulfilled the mission of the work, not exempting child, aged and nor women. The exploration unchains the revolt, long ago free Workers initiates a revolt schemes against them. Believing that these were its dominadores, they destroy them with the industry together. They are received by the coercitive power from polices, is with this physical coercion that the government goes to deal with the diligent classroom until the end the old republic.