Range Enabled Euro Boxes Bring

Robust packaging systems are precisely stacked. They are the essence of warehouse logistics and transport. Robust packaging systems are precisely stacked. They are the essence of warehouse logistics and transport. It should match as well strict standards, same as large demands on the material. No job for rotten wooden boxes so.

The modern euro boxes on lotex24.net to meet these challenges. Euro boxes as packaging systems in trade, industry, transport and food storage have the quality of the universal insert. Because the pallet boxes correspond to the International Europe Latvians level with the base of 80 x 120 cm. Thus, the goods are particularly efficient and safe to transport, save what money. Finally, the maximum volume of a transport ride can be exploited. Each additional trip due to inefficient warehousing, detracts from the profit.

So, euro boxes are provided both privately and commercially like organizational elements. Because the bottom is smooth, the automated transport takes place on roll and strip lines smoothly. For longer stays in the Commons, are the euro boxes in different volumes (20; 64 litres, etc.) Space-saving to stack. Separately, there is the matching lid for this permanent storage. Especially the gastronomy at this point but the question is: “efficient storage is one thing, but must be for the storage of food also hygienic to clean the boxes.” This is not an obstacle. The plastic polypropylene restaurateur can easily clean and treat with common disinfectants. Metals corrode, Woods react with strong products, but the polymeric material is completely harmless for food. In addition, the edges are rounded, to further facilitate the clean-up. The smooth inner walls reduce the degree of visible dirt from the outset, because dirt particles stick in particular due to friction. Extra open (barred) Euro boxes in the Lotex shop are available for perishable goods. They are especially good for fruits and vegetables. Industry and craft Companies drive to completely different questions. It comes them safe to carry very heavy goods. The material must withstand the weight forces are so high. The weight of a transport box is not acceptable but also too heavy. Steel and other metal alloys are therefore. Polypropylene, but is extremely resistant and impact resistant. The particles in the polymer hold together especially tightly. Additional bracing inside increase the stability. Also the polymeric euro boxes are not difficult. If the boxes are, not transported by trucks or forklifts but by hand, special hand surgery on the sides are intended – a measure to reduce accidents: standard on these high-quality euro boxes. Press Department Thomas Reichelt Lotex24 / Germany consumer telephone: 03562 / 69 34 30 fax: 03562 / 69 25 69 business to business customer: lotex24 / Poland phone: + 48 (0) 68 / 3 75 67 26 fax: + 48 (0) 68 3 62 56 12