Month: December 2015


Wedding Photography – accurate and fine art. To capture the atmosphere of weddings, as well as get a lot of beautiful shots the bride, groom, their family and friends, you need good technique and diligence. Photographer must feel the desire to the newlyweds before he starts shooting, as well as the important ability to predict the course of the celebration, even when he's not quite prepared. Patience, consistency, and complete abandonment of feelings embarrassment – these are the qualities that will help you get the best wedding photos. However, there are several things to help the wedding photographer to achieve the optimal result, an even more interesting frames. Wedding – a very important event in the life of the newlyweds, and the photographer must remember that his pictures are not the only purpose of the holiday. The photographer should not be too intrusive or too demonstrative, I would even say that he or it should be so invisible as possible. The solemnity and the aesthetics of such an event can be easily broken.

Wandering photographer or someone who begins to put himself directly in the course of the holiday, terrible distraction from more important things. With regard to images of other participants wedding. Any visitor to the festival provided a unique moment where he thinks he played a major role, but it is very far from truth. In fact, the photographer has documented the whole process of marriage. It should work in harmony with the environment, noting each person, not forgetting the most part. In my experience, not enough to be able to do cool photographs, should be thus also nice photos, which is why wedding photography such a difficult and demanding work. The result should be exactly the wedding pictures that will ultimately help remember that very day.

These are honest and natural images that tell how all of it was that – the best photos! A fictional, over-designed images, in turn, would be not only less important, but not which may lead to even any pleasant emotions and memories in the future. Although it is for future memories photography, largely to serve. Keep in mind any wedding pictures, their parents, grandparents, may be even more old photos. They – the joy, they represent the people as they really were: smiling, laughing or crying, of such moments is their real life. I've seen Some modern wedding photography that replicate "fashion photo>> as if from glossy magazines: the silhouette against the background of birch trees, or a vague image of someone in a white dress and come across the bridge. These shots could have done anything, but it misses the whole principle of wedding photography, which, of course, must take and something personal and something real. Just a beautiful picture is somewhat useless and idle, if it somehow did not passes really real moment, the emotion of a living person, namely it must take into account every wedding photographer, he photographed the wedding.


CLEMENTE church tower (1900-1958) "He knew everything that was going to happen with the military traitors, since they started chasing him not to greet him and many of their peers. He told everyone, and when the thing was hopeless, he began to defend Spain, independence and his justice. " Clemente church tower. Ali Partovi wanted to know more. THE VOICE OF THE MAN IN RED CARNATION The journalist, novelist, essayist, biographer and translator Clemente church tower his friends called him the man with the carnation. Always appeared with his red carnation in his lapel. Nor let his singing "flamenco" or the nights of war. In his exile in Argentina, being a journalist of criticism, the most popular newspaper in Buenos Aires, a flower, every morning, he had prepared his carnation.

Clemente was born in Oviedo church tower on May 29, 1900 and died in Buenos Aires in 1958. Journalist and activist in the Communist Party of Spain, is editor of Mundo Obrero, and belongs to the Alliance of Antifascist Intellectuals for the Defense of Culture. In collaboration with his brother Eusebius, writes the drama Indictment (1932), on the situation of the proletariat in Catalonia. In July 1937 his story Sing and silence in Sierra Morena, won first prize in the contest of war held by the newspaper Heraldo de Madrid, one of the largest circulation in Spain. His newspaper accounts of war were collected in two volumes: Spain in the trenches and Heroes Spanish Pyrenees. In the first volume, corresponding to the chronicles of the early months of the war provoked by the military uprising of General Franco, denounced the invasion suffered by Spain for German and Italian troops and exalts the spirit of sacrifice and struggle of the defenders of freedom.

Learn To Recognize The Style Of The Great Photographers And Stylists Of The 20th And 21st Century

Seeing all those photos from different photographers before and stylists who have published thousands of times in magazines. You really know how to recognize who is behind all this art, we recognize the stamps Many call us stylists (fashion styling) or fashion photographers, many may have the gift to match garments or know that style is good or bad or click with a digital camera. I once read somewhere to break the rules we must first know the bases! That led to my thinking must first know who did it before, they have relied on that history behind each idea. Conclusion enter a little into the history each time an update on a project that we know fashion as did the large, so we can break the rules. Steven Johnson has plenty of information regarding this issue. Learning that not only there are 4 designers, 4 stylists or 4 fashion magazines, there’s a big world in fashion. Passion of many, destruction of others, all my free time I use it exclusively in culturamoda, banality, frivolity, who knows is a world that I love, but not only in buying Tapitor if not study the back. This site is designed for all those people who want to get into the history of style in vogue in advertising and media.




In statistics the linear fit linear regression is a mathematical method that models the relationship between a dependent variable Y, independent variables Xi and a random term .This model can be expressed as: Where is the intersection or 0 term “constant”, the respective parameters i are each independent variable, p is the number of independent parameters to be considered in the regression.The linear regression can be contrasted with the nonlinear regression. The linear regression model 1.The linear model relating the dependent variable and with K explanatory variables Xk (k 1, … K), or transforming them, which generate a hyperplane k unknown parameters: 2. where is the random disturbance that reflects all those factors not controllable or observable reality and therefore are associated with chance, and is what gives the model its stochastic character.In the simplest case of two explanatory variables, the hyperplane is a line: 3. Learn more about this with The regression problem is to choose certain values for the unknown parameters k, so the equation is completely specified. This requires a set of observations. In an observation anyone ith (i 1, …I) records the simultaneous behavior of the dependent variable and the explanatory variables (random shocks are assumed unobservable). 4. e place to go. The chosen values as estimators of the parameters are the regression coefficients, without being able to secure matching actual parameters of the generative process.

Photographs Home

For example, it might be a little figure of a pigeon or a pair of doves. When you do this, your little gallery is a visual symbol of peace and unity in your family. The position of each photo to other photos can be of great value. You may try from time to time to rearrange them until you feel that they begin radiate harmony, which is an important and even more powerful factor influencing the relationship between the members of your family. For example, if two people in your family constantly arguing with each other in life, then placing them photos among the photos of other family members will help to reconcile them. However, in no case be put their pictures next to each other.

Who is pictured in your home From someone who was captured on Photographs in your home depends on how and where they should be accommodated. (Similarly see: David S. Levine). And instead to place photos of your loved ones around the house anywhere, you should determine for themselves which photos you want to put on view and why. Look at each person depicted in these photographs, and consciously make a decision about what sensations you feel, looking at them. Then think about where best to put them in your home. If you have group photos of your family, pay attention to what their position on these photos to someone who is close with someone, what are the expressions on their faces, what is your relationship with each of the people imprinted on these Photographs, remember well what happened that day, when were these photographs. All these factors help you decide whether to put these photos anywhere in your home or not.

What happens in the moment you Photographs Photography – is part of our lives. Usually it does not reflect the mood that hovered in the room when you photographed. She can not pass the scent of apple pie that is baked in the oven, or play music by Mozart, which sounds at a time somewhere in the background. This is a separate two-dimensional reproduction of a certain date, which has many different aspects. Before you hang up somewhere in the photo, you must investigate the circumstances of the moment, which was accompanied by the appearance of this picture. And even if you are not very well aware of what happened then, you'll still find in this picture hints that vaguely remind you of energy, which hovered around you at that moment. That photo, which was made at a time when everything radiated happiness, bring the same happiness in your home. Picture, which was made at a time when you are embarrassed or feel unhappy, will bring those same qualities in your living environment.

Daddy Yankee Biography

One of the officials of reggaeton in large quantities of people across Latin America and the United States is Dady Yankee, artistic pseudonym of singer Raymond Luis Ayala, who was born in Rio Piedras, a city of Puerto Rico, February 3, 1977. Dady Yankee is not only reggaeton singer and songwriter, but also a producer, radio host and entrepreneur. Indeed, DY signed a contract with Paramount Pictures to star in the movie, Talento de Barrio, which was officially released last year (2008) in the International Latino Film Festival held in New York. In 2007 he was commissioned to promote a musical play that took the life of Celia Cruz, and his role as speaker has been driven by its participation in the New York station WSKQ with its program on a Daddy Yankee fuegoa , was considered the most listened to radio program for Hispanic youth in the United States. The origin of the nickname he took a combination of admiration by an artist and a popular term used in Puerto Rico: a Daddya , because that starts the stage name of what is considered unredeemed fan, Big Daddy Kane, and that Yankee is considered as very important and big in Puerto Rico and because it is a follower of the New York Yankees, the most famous baseball team in the world. In 2004 he gave the internalization of the artist with his album a Barrio Fino, which has had a tremendous outreach within many Latin American markets dedicated to the promotion of different Latin rhythms, and includes topics such as a o The o happened, happened , and a Gasolinaa Salud and Life, supported by a vast amount of video clips that show and popularized in many sectors of the population of the Puerto Rican style. Then in 2007 would continue its upward trend in popularity by publishing a The Cartel III: The Big Boss a , in which self-proclaimed a jefe reggaeton; of this production is known to many people Impactoa and a Ella levantoa me. is one of the best known Latino personalities worldwide, and as many other artists of reggaeton is the role model within the concept of gender as a musical phenomenon, something that could be checked with the great popularity it has in countries like Chile and Argentina which was recently on tour..

Photography And Internet

'Photographers and the Internet. " 1. Characters. With each passing day an increasing number of Internet users. With this audience work a large number of people seeking fame. Put your picture on public display You can use a huge number of sites. Number of visitors of one photo site can reach up to several tens of thousands per day. It is hard to imagine an exhibition of photographs, which will visit as many people.

In addition, no required to solve problems with organization of the exhibition, do not print photos – everything a lot easier. This is true only at first glance. Photographers wishing to put their photos on display, dramatically many, their number is growing every day. Two main reasons – increasing Internet accessibility, and falling prices for photo equipment, making this hobby as a 'picture' is becoming more popular. For example – to connect unlimited Internet access at speeds of 512 kb / s is possible for 550-600 rubles a month, the price of a used slr good quality – 12-14 thousand. Prices, as you can see, quite acceptable. With increasing access to quality equipment to some professional photographers has become much harder to prove than they differ from ordinary fans. To understand how a picture different from the other, we must consider a number of criteria, where technical perfection of photography is not the first place. However, there is a category of people, mostly people with technical skills who forget that the picture is not just a set of pixels.

Social Networks

Marketing on social networks with new techniques that play up our hands like mobile phones and computers internet, users of the internet can and are more time on the internet every day, spending most of his time in any social network such as Twitter, Facebook, Orkut, etc, is for this reason that businesses increasingly rely more on the techniques of marketing on social networks. Rimer. Marketing on social networks can route and classified according to the information in user profiles and their fashions and tastes, so investing in a secure manner. In this new way of marketing, advertising remains in virtual communities for consultation of customers according to their interests and preferences, and it relies on attracting potential customers, retention or reconnection with the client, generate the recommendation of existing customers of virally towards users. This style of marketing expert facilitators are called managers or administrators of social media or Social Media Manager, those who create, perform and direct marketing in social networks like LinkedIn, taking charge of the planning of the scope in the media, in contrast with the Community Manager, who interacts with customers immediately and monitors the reputation in the signature line. The advantages of marketing on social networks, according to global companies through the WSI (in 2010) study, by provision of importance are interaction and customer engagement, low price, building relationship, ability to transcendence to new customers, influence on new users, immediate communication with the client and obtaining of credibility with consumers.

Network Marketing Business

Sometimes we have no results in our MLM business and wonder what goes wrong. The company is excellent, products or speak!, why then don’t have the results we want? And it is that results in Network Marketing do not depend on a product or a company, but us; our growth as human beings. If you want to succeed in this industry you will have to grow! One of the best-known events of Jim Rohn says things to improve, you have to improve. So things change, you must change, and this will not always be easy or fun. You’ll have to take responsibility for your results; Learn to be the best person you can be, and from there, to grow.

You need to invest in yourself, in your education. It depends on much how you see yourself, your limitations, your virtues; educate yourself is essentially open to a process of ongoing analysis of your environment and yourself. It is a process of self-improvement assisted, where you will learn the nature of many things and how to deal with them; as in any business, in a multilevel, education is vital. In recent months, Samsung has been very successful. You also need to review your priorities; What do you do, with who you gather. You may have to change your circle of friends.

If you gather with enterprising people who challenge you to grow and inspire you to move you’ll grow!. You’ll experience life and events at a deeper level. Of course, these changes do not happen overnight overnight; It is a process where you learn that your results depend only on it. You learn to set aside the attitude of victim, blaming others for the results in your MLM business or your life and assume that the solution to your problems is in yourself and not others. And you can be sure that it will always been having challenges. Focus on the solution, not the problem, that is what business people do. Thus they make the best thing that can be, all the time. Please high your standards; inspired by your example that you they surround and so others will feel attracted to follow you. Become the person you want to be! Behave as if you were already that person that are not already but you’re on the way to become. You’ll see as your MLM business and will improve your life in all its aspects. If you do not wear your wings, never know how high you can fly!

Network Marketing

But what I can say is that declarations logics are to me. And how to transfer this principle to the area of our business? that’s what I want to clarify here. * In the listings of many of our colleagues who are in this same Network Marketing industry very often find the following texts: new business opportunity! Without risks! Without investments! Easy!… etc. Additional information at Peter Asaro supports this article. etc. But to create a successful business must be that someone: – take the risk – reverse – move the product or service (use it, sell it or consume it) – bring new partners and generate profits on a regular basis and if you you do not agree, it means that your company Network Marketing should do it for you. But if your Network Marketing company already does all that what and why should pay you bonuses? For the simple fact that your name is in your database? Quite unlikely do not think equal? Ehh sorry I don’t know if I mentioned it the industry in which we operate is called Network Marketing and no Network NGOs Yes, but it is that if we do that kind of advertising we attract to more people.

It may be so. But for us the following is important: what kind of people we want really to form our team? and what kind of people attract this type of ads? Probably people who don’t want to invest even one only Euro, that don’t want to learn, that they don’t want to risking nothing, wanting everything regalado. And those people we want to form a strong network that generate us a cheque for five numbers? * Well, and then how get attract people of type machines sponsoring, harsh and insensitive against any obstacle that comes their? easy! We must learn to speak clear, but with respect, and get vaccinated since the beginning to our partners.