Month: September 2011

Protection Against GSM-jamming

Protect the car against theft, based on gps / GSM-technology represents not only the installation of GPS-unit to determine the location of the vehicle, but also a range of anti-theft tools: immobilizer, tilt sensor, the sensor roll, shock sensor, alarm button, the siren. The composition of the protective complex depends on the type and condition of the car, and, of course, the financial capacity of the car owner. But the work of "heart" of the protective complex – GPS-unit will be useless if the attacker turned on GSM-jammers. Communication channel and block the machine can not send an alarm, your location, so the car owner does not receive an alarm. Obviously, that, to date of all funds Alert – GSM-notification (call to a mobile phone or SMS-notification) won great popularity among motorists, besides it is one of the most effective. GSM-technology not only used for satellite alarm, but also in the GSM-pagers. Built-In Modem betrays data in the format of sms, gps, or Data call.

Transmitted to the user (a driver and a monitoring center) information may be different character: an alarm message, the coordinates of the location of the car, good condition / system failure, the message about low battery. To date, dozens of manufacturers are offering GSM-GPS-equipment. But all these devices are united by one drawback – they give jammed. Selecting devices suppress GSM-translation is great. They differ in size, capacity, range of action. Apply security services, detective agencies, and naturally Theft Auto.

To acquire such devices can be freely on the Internet. Cope with such devices is very simple. In some alarm, and in particular MS-P gsm, there exists a function as the control channel. Algorithm it is simple: between the GPS-pager installed on the vehicle and specially organized a server is constant ping. With some frequency the device sends data about its serviceability the server, which in turn makes sure that the device is in order. If a watchdog time signal is received on the server, it is recognized as jamming and the server generates a subscriber's phone or an alarm bell SMS-message. Practice shows that this occurs at the time of killing GSM-signal. Therefore, the car enthusiast, knowing where a parked car, able to evaluate the credibility of the threat, and in time to take the necessary measures. Thus, the function control channel allows you to keep your car.

Pizza Delivery

Nowadays all the media and the internet is literally flooded ads by type: pizza delivery, Ufa deliver pizzas quickly in Ufa, Ufa, pizza delivery and. Etc. This product is gaining popularity, especially in the delivery at home. So, plunge into the world of 'Her Majesty' pizza. In general, the recipes for pizza there in abundance. And in order not to confuse them completely, try to organize them. Principles of classification may be different – the shape, composition, country of origin To name a few main ones: The classic Neapolitan pizza Italian pizza pizza on thin dough Pants (closed pizza) Fokacho Sweet Pizza National Pizza (American, French-parameter) First, a closer look at the classic Neapolitan pizza. Naples, as the birthplace of pizza tradition dictates standards and rules for its preparation.

This Neapolitan pizza – a pizza cooked in a certain technology of the traditional ingredients: it is one of two types of mozzarella (it is made from buffalo milk), olive oil, tomatoes, special varieties of San Marzano and, of course, the traditional pizza spice oregano (marjoram). In addition, the pizza must be made by hand and baked in wood-fired oven. Only meet these requirements the product can be called classical Neapolitan pizza, and everything else is just a pathetic imitation, according to the Neapolitans. However, manufacturers of pizza, using the same traditional ingredients, yet choose not to have a huge staff of personnel and mechanize most of the technological stages pizza. Yes, and stoves that run on wood gave way to electric ovens with ceramic hearth, and in some cases, conveyor ovens.