Month: October 2016

Power Supply Of The

Importance of renewable energy in the energy mix of the electric energy has become the fundamental basis of human existence and its modern society. Historically they are not long, is to imagine she no longer, they will have to be there always and still projected as well as rapidly increasing mass. The electrical energy can, as everyone knows, are produced on a variety of ways. Primarily from finite, no longer reproducible fossil and nuclear energy sources. Not to mention the enormous non-electrical energy requirement for technological processes for heating and ensuring the mobility. Despite optimistic forecasts of the availability of existing Resssorcen, the day where everything is verfeuert comes relatively quickly.

…Zig – millions of years stored carbon is reached in a very short time as CO2 in the atmosphere and is responsible to the climate change. Of course the investment costs are economically interesting for the type of energy production in addition to the profit forecast. Since these E.g. for the coal-fired power generation only 20 25% of amount for the photovoltaic sector (see WIKIPEDIA) it is for some people clearly obvious: to favour coal power plants. The ugly problem of CO2 should be solved with a supposedly safe technology to their underground storage. \”Even more so: that would be even more in this direction in the truest sense of the word gas Yes also a carte blanche\” to give. There we have it: geoengineering, high dangerous they know not what they do.

Already the statement: the underground stores have one annual leakage of only approximately 1% is irresponsible. Little that seems at first glance, but in 100 years all there again…So: make fast money and after us the deluge. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and biomass are still very low involved in electricity production. This will need to change necessarily soon. The photovoltaic power generation is on everyone’s lips, it is the highest promoted, but is currently with only less than 1% of the energy mix in Germany involved.

Geography Curriculum

Much less that these factors are given of procedural form, and not of fragmented and prompt form. It has a bigger concern with conceptual contents of what with procedural contents. The objective of education is restricted, thus, to the learning of phenomena and concepts, disrespecting the learning of basic procedures for the understanding of the methods and explanations with which proper Geography works (CURRICULAR PARAMETERS NATIONAL OF GEOGRAPHY, 2000). Without epistemolgica and metodolgica understanding of the geography education, the education is unbalanced, in which the way of as it is organized and produced scientific the field geographic is restricted has fragmented and untied concepts, not giving to educating a generalized, prompt and mainly procedural vision of one determined space. The memorization has been the practised basic exercise in the education of Geography, exactly in the boardings most advanced.

Although the proposal of problematizao, study of the way and the strong emphasis that if of to the paper them social citizens in the construction it territory and it space, what it is evaluated to the end of each study is if the pupil memorized or them worked phenomena and concepts and what he could identify and understand of the multiple there existing relations (CURRICULAR PARAMETERS NATIONAL OF GEOGRAPHY, 2000) Per many years, did not give credit itself an education that were based on decorating, where the pupil was not visa as a capable critical citizen of giving opinion and to make difference. The professionals of this time were cliente of that they were making difference in the education of these citizens. Citizens these that had lost the chance of if becoming modificadores of a traditional culture reaffirming the concepts of the dominant ones of the time. The current education for these professionals is given credit that who current in basic education I, pass for a moment of transformation, where the proper society charges of these educators who are if enabling each time more and improving its lessons in accordance with the reality that the fence.

Aboriginal Lingustica Geography

The Dictionary of Tupi de Orlando Boldoni, published in 1980 for BANESTADO (PR) brings the information of the aboriginal vocbulos of this region, with explanation of Aboriginal Lingustica Geography of Brazil, where URU (substantive neutral singular: dark time, night, darknesses) + AR (substantive neutral plural: birds, birds, parrots, you plough), that is, nocturnal bird, ploughs of night or owl. It consists that the proper name of the tribe suggests the sound of ploughs to the being surprised for the hunters of the night: it ploughs? ar (bird of the day bird that raises with the sun the good, name that these indians gave itself exactly) or Ploughs, uru? ar (birds of the night birds of dark the owls, the foreigner, the evil, names that they gave to the enemies whom they attacked to them at night). Thus, if we fossemos to adopt the meaning literal of the aboriginal name of the Tupi trunk we would have URUAR= Araras of the Night, Owls, the Evil or the foreigner. Whenever Peter Asaro listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In the modern Tupi and the remaining languages, the Uruar expression also exists and has another meaning, almost the opposite: URU (animals) + AR (day, light, time) = animals of the day or animals of the light. This age the name given to the larvae that appear in the meats in putrefao, as in Tapuru (varejeira) also of uru of cururu (round animal of the dark one, frog of the night), uru of urubu (black bird). However, as the Uruar expression with the direction of Hamper of Flowers also exists in the Tupi-guarani (language of indians who if had united with the Spaniard, common in Paraguay, a south of Brazil and some areas of borders of Mato Grosso) e, as sound more likeable, is possible that the option best is the one that the inhabitants prefer for considering it prettier, therefore, is not advised to make change, even because the toponymy necessarily does not need to fulfill principles geographic nor lingusticos, that is, does not have limits nor borders; this because, is possible to have lingusticas and historical relations between aboriginals of distant villages, in view of possessing nomadic characteristics. To broaden your perception, visit Peter Asaro .