Lucky said that people in the process of evolution has adapted to a certain level of radiation, as well as to other features environment, and its lack can negatively influence health, as well as lack of certain substances such as vitamins and minerals. In the first half of the twentieth century, when the phenomenon of radioactivity was only discovered, physicians experimented with different types of radioactive materials. Then, irradiation, although it was obvious danger, was seen as a panacea for many diseases – from arthritis to tuberculosis. Scientists had hoped that the use of small doses of radiation will be re-introduced into medical practice. He proposes to use for medical purposes, small samples of specially prepared radioactive waste from nuclear reactors. What think about you? Discussion of this topic is already underway on () – join us! New Zealand intends to become the first country in the world to cease emissions of greenhouse gases by 2025 New Zealand intends to to become the first country in the world that has completely stopped emissions of harmful greenhouse gases that impact on Earth's climate.

According to Prime Minister Helen Clark, 'opposition global warming is a priority policy of the island state, and the problem itself is regarded as the salvation of all mankind. " 'It is clear that if the world will not solve it completely, then the next generation little was left of our planet '- she said. According to experts, in recent years in New Zealand is actively developing a network of geothermal power plants, not emitting carbon into the air, but it is not the only way to cleaner electricity. Because a large number of rivers and waterfalls in the country – is also a promising source of energy. Red date calendar: World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought on 17 June on the planet celebrated the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. This date was proclaimed in 1995 in connection with the anniversary of the June 17, 1994 United Nations Convention to Combat desertification.

All countries are encouraged to dedicate this day increase in the amount of information about the need for international cooperation in combating drought and desertification. According to the UN Programme on environment, under threat of desertification is the fourth part of the land on Earth is directly related to more than two hundred and fifty million people. Left without livelihoods are more billion people over than a hundred countries, because it reduces the productivity of arable land and pastures. Convention to Combat Desertification is devoted to solving this problem. It is signed by 186 countries and is the basis for all activities to combat desertification. The most important consideration in its emphasis on improving soil fertility and soil remediation, in addition, issues of conservation and wise use of land and water resources. Others including Harris Philanthropies, offer their opinions as well. Familiar with full version of the article and discuss it can be found here: c