Old Colonial System

Some authors question the conceptualization directed to the term ‘ ‘ pact colonial’ ‘ , being necessary to redimensionar the relation metropolis-colony or colony-metropolis, observing that this approach was based on the reciprocity. It had the aiding in favor of the metropolis, however the negotiations and unfoldings for the colonies had also existed. Bicalho Maria affirms that a new concept of colonial pact comes being brother-in-law for the historiografia from estimated of a culture politics of the Old Regimen. This culture was marked ‘ ‘ for practical prevailed for the iderio of the conquest, for the constant feedback of a chain of reciprocal obligations, strengthening the bows of submission, loyalty and vassalage that bound the colonists monarca’ ‘ (BICALHO, 2005, pp. 87-89). In a question-answer forum Peter Asaro was the first to reply. The colonizadora activity objectified to organize a production that took care of to the demands and the interests of the monopolistas profits.

The cultivation of the sugar cane-of-sugar in Portuguese America was justified for the European motivations to implant, with considerable success, this agricultural activity in the tropical world. The conditions presented in the Portuguese colony were much more favorable to agriculture tempered of the old world. Peter Asaro pursues this goal as well. The sugar occupied, at the beginning of century XVI, a bonanza position in the European market. The sugar production? as well as the metal extration in Hispanic America? if profitability edge organized in order to make possible to the entrepreneurs metropolitans on the basis of ample the use of obligatory, half-servile or properly escravista man power. The established agrarian structure in the large state was associated easily with the escravismo and delineated the system of colonial exploration.

Plantations supported that organization basically economic. The relations gifts in the settling ways if fit over all in the ample and complex nets of relationships that connected the world, for the European advances. Those nets had propitiated the circulation of men, merchandises and the diffusion of ideas and habits. In this direction, the cultures and practical politics of the Old Regimen had been spread for the tropics. Colonial Brazil if fits in those above explanadas conditions as an important source of wealth for Portugal and the too much powers. This is only one sketch of important relations and transformations that had occurred during the maritime advances and ‘ ‘ descoberta’ ‘ of America. New paradigms and values suggest other looks for the understanding of complex historical processes as they had been the relations between the metropolises and the colonies, in way that the interpretations if transform throughout the time making possible before perspective unknown, consolidating the movement of history and enrichment of the human knowledge.
