The Genitor

With change of the school, and through the stories of the current teachers, can be observed inside that Eduardo, in the period of 2 months, comes presenting, of its context, an evolution with respect to adhesion of the activities offered for the institution. He has been participativo inside of room lesson, as well as, it are of it. Beyond effectively participating of the program more education and the room of multi-functional resources. Renata (10 years of age), presents calm behavior, guided alo and autopsiquicamente. Thought and preserved reasoning. One becomes related well with mother, stepfather, professors, colleagues of the school. This attending a course third year of basic education, interacting very well with all in the school.

Vanessa (6 years of age) calm and is guided alo and, thought and reasoning autopsiquicamente preserved. One becomes related with the parents and brothers well. This year was registered the school, presenting, until the moment, good behavior. Patrician (2 years of age), she is calm, affectionate, it sleeps well and its feeding is based in the maternal aleitamento, however, team NASF it comes working with the parents on the importance to introduce healthful foods, beyond the insertion of this in the day-care center, since not yet it was registered the day-care center because the genitor believes that she is very small, beyond still suck. According to Kaloustian & Ferrari (1994), apud Gomes and Pereira (2004), the family is the indispensable space for the guarantee of the survival and the integral protection of the children and too much members, independently of the familiar arrangement or the form as they come if structuralizing. She is the affective family who makes possible them arrives in port e, over all, necessary materials to the development and well-being of its components. It plays a decisive role in the formal and informal education. She is in its space that is absorbed the ethical and moral values, deepened the solidarity bows.