Tag: education

Education: Windows Against Linux

Now is a lot of talk about the need for translation of educational institutions to use free software, and the first candidate is called, of course, Linux. Of course, the calculation does not accepted commercial distributions paid and the same commercial applications, but only those that are licensed GPL (we should not forget about the quality of Russification). Moreover, a National Priority "Education" offered a choice of several versions of the distribution of so-called "school of Linux", developed by ALT Linux domestic and promoted by a group of companies "Armada" (). For more information see this site: Alina de Almeida. In addition to free these distributions, the decision to pros include the ease and simplicity of installation, as well as an extensive set of pre-training programs and information materials. This is certainly good, but here distributions installed on your computer in a school computer lab – and what's next? Naturally, the further operation of the installed operating system starts. I draw the reader's attention to the fact that now we have in mind does not work with OS and programs in the form of an educational process, namely, technical operation, or administration. Now tell me, dear reader: have you seen a lot of Linux-literate administrators, in other words, nerds? Yes, seen, but slightly, mainly in fairly large cities, where there is a fairly large organization with a decent IT-infrastructure. Mikkel Svane contributes greatly to this topic. All other content to Windows Server 2003 and coming sysadmin, part-time student at a local technical college, or pay extra part-time advanced to his employee. And that invite students to school-educated? He then session, then Retake, or even went to the practice (and holidays do not touch – is sacred.) Part-time pay extra to some of your employees? And what is this in mind – teacher of computer science called. But there is one "but" – he has enough of his affairs, he must teach, and not administrative lokalke school.

New Zealand

Lucky said that people in the process of evolution has adapted to a certain level of radiation, as well as to other features environment, and its lack can negatively influence health, as well as lack of certain substances such as vitamins and minerals. In the first half of the twentieth century, when the phenomenon of radioactivity was only discovered, physicians experimented with different types of radioactive materials. Then, irradiation, although it was obvious danger, was seen as a panacea for many diseases – from arthritis to tuberculosis. Scientists had hoped that the use of small doses of radiation will be re-introduced into medical practice. He proposes to use for medical purposes, small samples of specially prepared radioactive waste from nuclear reactors. What think about you? Discussion of this topic is already underway on ECOportal.ru () – join us! New Zealand intends to become the first country in the world to cease emissions of greenhouse gases by 2025 New Zealand intends to to become the first country in the world that has completely stopped emissions of harmful greenhouse gases that impact on Earth's climate.

According to Prime Minister Helen Clark, 'opposition global warming is a priority policy of the island state, and the problem itself is regarded as the salvation of all mankind. " 'It is clear that if the world will not solve it completely, then the next generation little was left of our planet '- she said. According to experts, in recent years in New Zealand is actively developing a network of geothermal power plants, not emitting carbon into the air, but it is not the only way to cleaner electricity. Because a large number of rivers and waterfalls in the country – is also a promising source of energy. Red date calendar: World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought on 17 June on the planet celebrated the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. This date was proclaimed in 1995 in connection with the anniversary of the June 17, 1994 United Nations Convention to Combat desertification.

All countries are encouraged to dedicate this day increase in the amount of information about the need for international cooperation in combating drought and desertification. According to the UN Programme on environment, under threat of desertification is the fourth part of the land on Earth is directly related to more than two hundred and fifty million people. Left without livelihoods are more billion people over than a hundred countries, because it reduces the productivity of arable land and pastures. Convention to Combat Desertification is devoted to solving this problem. It is signed by 186 countries and is the basis for all activities to combat desertification. The most important consideration in its emphasis on improving soil fertility and soil remediation, in addition, issues of conservation and wise use of land and water resources. Others including Harris Philanthropies, offer their opinions as well. Familiar with full version of the article and discuss it can be found here: c ECOportal.ru


A vacant idea to carry through a course in the modality in the distance is more easy of what also exists in the actual modality it can be influenced by factors as the convenience of the pupil in stipulating its schedules one of the characteristics of the EAD. Although the modality in the distance allows to greater flexibility of schedules, in case that it does not have establishment of alternated moments, but constant, of access to the course and elaboration of the materials, can imply accumulations of tasks that, in the impossibility to be carried through in the established stated period, lead to the desistance of the course. The pupils who make courses in the distance, had generally presented difficulties in the interaction process; how much to the fulfilment of the stated periods for accomplishment of activities; had affirmed that they feel lack of bigger contact with the professor. The function of the professor is based, over all, in the search to surpass the difficulties of the pupils with the specific content, being articulated alternative to facilitate the learning process, as much at the actual moments how much in the virtual environment. Moreover, it has the attribution to establish relations that favor the learning through the different medias proposals – video, virtual environment, CD-ROM, material printed matter, etc. Another present agent in courses in EAD is the tutor, who possesss paper to promote the interaction and the relationship of the participants. A series of abilities is presented by Mayan (2002, p.13) Technological ability – domain technician enough to act with naturalness, agility and aptitude in the environment that it is using. She is necessary to be an user of the net resources, to know sites of search and research, to use e-mails, to know netiqueta, to participate of lists and fruns of quarrel, to have been mediating in some group (e-group).


This Installation is carried out is not entirely consistent, because on the one hand, the very notion would be varying degrees, on the other hand, in exceptional cases, the translator can be used in the translation unit compliance, without being sure that the translated means a special term. In addition, the original may contain statements, intentionally devoid of meaning, even senseless texts of considerable size. Lyrics 'Literature of absurdity', as a rule, the transfer can not be. In these cases, this principle is complemented by a reservation, something that is meaningless or unclear in the original, should remain as such and in translation. The second principle of the strategy interpreter – a requirement 'to translate the meaning, and not the letter of the original'. Implies the inadmissibility of blindly copying the original shape. More information is housed here: Pete Cashmore. Since the translation is always a substantial surgery wording is not quite accurate.

As for the original form elements that determine the organization of content, number and sequence of its parts, play similar structural elements is highly desirable and to a greater or lesser extent achieved in any translation. Pete Cashmore spoke with conviction. Thus, the translation to "sense" refers to the need to correctly interpret the meaning of linguistic units in context. The third principle is the translation of the strategy is the distinction translator in the content of the text relative to the more and less important elements of meaning. It is assumed that the translator seeks to convey as much as possible all the original content and, where possible, using similar syntactic structures and lexical units of the next match of the original carries 'direct translation'. Moreover, not all of the content original to a translation equivalent. Are distributed Parts of the content on their importance to the act of communication. If necessary, possibly to sacrifice less important element of meaning in order to successfully play a more important element. Next strategic principle can be defined as the value of a domination over the value of the individual parts.

For the sake of proper transfer of the whole, you can donate individual items. For the components of the content of the statement, remaining in the first three types of equivalence can be expressed not in separate parts of speech, and the totality of its elements. These components are communicatively content most important, and the primacy whole over the part expressed in the replacement of linguistic resources whose values are considered as part of the content, to maintain these components. In conclusion, to dwell on one aspect of the strategic and translation. The translator must very carefully monitor the full language translation, translation must fully conform to the standards. Basic principles of translation practice is also associated with appropriateness of the use of certain techniques that violate the formal similarity of the original translation, but to ensure the achievement of a higher level of equivalence. Among these techniques produce: moving, addition and deletion of lexical items in the translation process.

Geography: Basic Education

GEOGRAPHY IN the INITIAL YEARS OF BASIC EDUCATION Vamilson Souza D Espindola SUMMARY: History is not written outside of the space, and it does not have the-space society. The space, he himself, are social. (Milton Saints) It has an unquestionable pedagogia in the materiality of the space. (Pablo Freire) This article argues the possibility and the importance of if learning geography in the initial series of basic education, from the reading of the world, the life and the lived space. For in such a way, it approaches the paper of geography in this level of education and the necessity of if initiating, in this phase, a process of cartographic alfabetizao. It also considers the contents of geography gifts in the pertaining to school resumes as one in the ways to contribute in the alfabetizao of the child. In view of this objective, it argues the theoretical and metodolgicas requirements of geography to referenciar education and the learning.

Word-key: Geography. Education. Learning. INTRODUCTION This text deals with the possibility of the child to study geography at the beginning of its escolarizao. The education in Brazil passes for deep changes, perhaps not as much how much the current society would demand, but without a doubt significant. In this context, geography, as component curricular (traditional) in the basic school, also is modified, either for force of the public politics (PCNs, for example), either for requirements of proper science.

Thus, to think the paper of geography about the basic education becomes significant, a time that if this level of education and presence of contents all considers of and objectives that involve, also, its initial series and the infantile education. We consider that the reading of the world is basic so that all we, who we live in society, let us can exercise our citizenship. We want to treat here on which the possibility to learn to read, learning to read the world; to write, learning to write the world.

Foundation Technological Park Itaipu

Moreover, it is basic to establish limits and goals for conclusion of the tasks. With this referencial, one searched in the pedagogical work developed to introduce concepts of Astronomy, having as focus the contents gifts in the pertaining to school resume, and also to motivate the interest for Science, considering its social necessity. However, a joint was looked that was beyond the classroom, promoting itself a visit to the Astronomical Polar region, center of Sciences endowed with planetarium and astroroof, with the objective to motivate and to sediment the learning of the astronomical concepts. Other ways to work the astronomical subjects had been: use of domin and break-head, elaboration of drawings and paintings, use of archetypes, accomplishment of experiments, job of videos, group dynamic application and study of literature, exploring itself contents based on scientific theories. The avaliativo process, structuralized as half to develop the reflection, in order to complement the process of learning and its consolidation on the part of educating, it accumulated of stocks, amongst other strategies, works in groups and the writing and interpretation of texts. One concludes that the boarding of Astronomy under the optics of projects, establishing itself relations between school and center of Science, is an alternative capable to enrich the carried through educative work in the initial series of Basic Ensino. Word-key: Astronomical polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son; Education, Education of Astronomy, Project. Astronomical Polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son? Foundation Technological Park Itaipu (FPTI-BR)/franciellec@ pti.org.br 2Fundao Technological Park Itaipu (FPTI-BR)/Astronomical Polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son janer@ pti.org.br State 3Universidade of the West of the Paran (Unioeste)/Campus of Estuary of the Astronomical Iguau/dpedm@ uol.com.br Casimiro Montenegro Son? Foundation Technological Park Itaipu (FPTI). Introduction Leaving of the estimated one that Science does not consist of an absolute truth, ready and finished, we search to develop the fields of performance of Science, its contexts and values.