Geography: Basic Education

GEOGRAPHY IN the INITIAL YEARS OF BASIC EDUCATION Vamilson Souza D Espindola SUMMARY: History is not written outside of the space, and it does not have the-space society. The space, he himself, are social. (Milton Saints) It has an unquestionable pedagogia in the materiality of the space. (Pablo Freire) This article argues the possibility and the importance of if learning geography in the initial series of basic education, from the reading of the world, the life and the lived space. For in such a way, it approaches the paper of geography in this level of education and the necessity of if initiating, in this phase, a process of cartographic alfabetizao. It also considers the contents of geography gifts in the pertaining to school resumes as one in the ways to contribute in the alfabetizao of the child. In view of this objective, it argues the theoretical and metodolgicas requirements of geography to referenciar education and the learning.

Word-key: Geography. Education. Learning. INTRODUCTION This text deals with the possibility of the child to study geography at the beginning of its escolarizao. The education in Brazil passes for deep changes, perhaps not as much how much the current society would demand, but without a doubt significant. In this context, geography, as component curricular (traditional) in the basic school, also is modified, either for force of the public politics (PCNs, for example), either for requirements of proper science.

Thus, to think the paper of geography about the basic education becomes significant, a time that if this level of education and presence of contents all considers of and objectives that involve, also, its initial series and the infantile education. We consider that the reading of the world is basic so that all we, who we live in society, let us can exercise our citizenship. We want to treat here on which the possibility to learn to read, learning to read the world; to write, learning to write the world.