Internet Strategy

Article "Strategy and the Internet" was written by M. Porter relatively recently, in 2001. Since then we have experienced "swelling" and "go bust," many "bubbles" World Wide Web. Hear other arguments on the topic with Viacom. I witnessed this boom in the uk, I was very surprised and struck by the willingness of investors to invest mad money in questionable from the standpoint of common sense project. Particularly memorable case, when some British company agreed to invest half a million pounds per pupil, who promised them to develop new search engine that competes with Google and Yahoo. Another case that struck me: a pair of Scandinavians, who created, a site that was to become the leader in sales of designer clothing on the Internet. For eighteen months they have squandered hundreds of millions of pounds, then asked for another 80 million investors have given up, the company went bankrupt, and the couple blamed the failure of investors, they say, could you and advise how to manage business, we've amateurs.

And these cases were not the exception but rather the rule. Then followed the collapse of hopes for a new Klondike, litigation with brokers who issued the most optimistic outlook and recommendations to investors concerning Internet. However, some of the conclusions arrived at by Michael Porter relevant to this day. In fairness, it should be noted that the views of Porter later subjected to criticism of Don Tapscott in his article, "Rethinking strategy in a networked world." Article Porter gives the vision of Internet and its role in business: "We must move away from rhetoric about" links to webpages industry "," e-business strategy "and" new economy "and see the Internet because it is: new opportunities for technology – a powerful set of tools that can be used wisely or not, virtually every industry and be a part of almost every Strategy.