Frankfurt Bockenheim

Five years after the opening in Frankfurt granted the MyPlace warehouse insight into everyday living behind the facades In may 2012 it exactly five years is here, that the storage provider MyPlace SelfStorage in Frankfurt has opened its doors. Nearly 2,000 customers have since stored possessions of various types here. About two-thirds of our customers are private individuals, the rest are traders. The reasons why the Frankfurt rent storage space at MyPlace, are manifold: the storage compartments in the branch in Frankfurt Bockenheim between 0, 81 m to 176 m large, serve as an interim solution for inheritances and divisions, if delayed the completion of the home, or if a longer stay abroad is imminent. In most cases, tell”us customers at the conclusion of the contract of their particular life situation and why you need additional storage space, said Sibylle Leonhard. Learn more at this site: isearch. The stories are often amusing, but sometimes sad.” On the other hand, there is the “Long-term users, where their self storage compartment as a kind of external cellar” is used, in which they accommodate seasonal sports equipment, tool or various collections. These customers looking their storage times in the month, to get things or to store again. While you can rely on, that their belongings and goods is kept safe: the entire building is under video surveillance, and a number code only allows access to the site.

The commercial self users when MyPlace set up your file archive or store their products, accessories, or promotional materials, are often the long-term tenants. Above all commercial customers like to use the opportunity to send packages to the MyPlace House. We accept consignments in their absence for her”, tells Heike Brendel, also Assistant in the MyPlace House in Frankfurt Bockenheim. Their storage compartment seven days Selfstorage users have access to the week from 6:00 to 22:00, easily with private key. Heike Brendel and Sibylle Leonhard their support Customers in the computation of the required storage space. We see of course always ensure that customers take only as much storage space, what they really need and advise it”explained Sybille Leonhard and continues: the clients are often amazed at how little space they actually need. Most would for rent out unnecessarily large compartments from the belly.” As a rule of thumb: a storage area of 1 m is required for the establishment of 10 m living space. The facilities of an average 80sqm apartment m has about 8 m-large storage compartment space therefore in one.

Self is now part of modern urban life. The service is known many frankfurters, some have taken them yourself already. At high pace of nowadays, more and more people in the situation, come not knowing where they should put their stuff on the fly. The nice thing is that you customers are often desperately looking for an accommodation for your stuff, really help Finally, can”, says Sibylle Leonhard. “Upcoming event: on June 16 it says MyPlace again evaluate experts”. The art expert Reinhard blank by the auction house blank free in enlighten, whether the Frankfurt store treasures or just worthless junk in their cellars.