The Technology

The pupil contemporary belongs to a generation that sails for the Internet, plays games and is accustomed to play multiple tasks simultaneously. TECHNOLOGY FOR ALL the technology if incorporates in day-by-day of the schools either in the done research of work is of the school, either in laboratories inside of the schools. According to ministry of the education the public schools with computer science laboratories still are of 11% of the total. We need to stand out that she is necessary that it has a comprometimento of the educators in relation to education, would be necessary that the community as a whole demands its rights so that the public power can fulfill with ours the constitution, is basic that the professors they learn to use the laboratories so that the pupils have better chances, does not only advance to place the guilt in the governments, being that the community does not charge its rights, the professors need learn to use the school when it is equipped to be used, cases exist where the laboratories rare are used, one of the main factors that make with that this does not happen is that the professors do not request the space or the direction does not allow, for having fear that the materials are damaged. In many exactly public schools the technology is not newness, the pupils uses the majority of the resources its favor. Different uses of the computer in the technology: educational tool for development of the authorship and autonomy of the pupil, resolution of problems through challenges, control of processes with collection, analysis and representation of data, transmission of information, communication, enrichment of the learning with the redimensionamento of the concepts already known and possibilities of understanding through process to describe, to reflect and to purify. PERPECTIVAS FOR the TECHNOLOGY Exists a distinction enters the term technology in the education and of the term technology of the education.