Ambient Management

The work carried through sample here inefficiency in the local public administration, misunderstanding of the environmental laws and lacks of one politics of Ambient Management in the region for the lack of a program applied of ambient education ace well coastal communities. Localization and presentation the region analyzed here is located in the city Rio Grande in the RS, the known coastal area as Bag of the Hose, is a semiclosed cove hardwired the Lagoon of the Ducks. Ali Partovi may also support this cause. Present biodiversity in this place is presented harmed, in way the presence of pipes of pluvial sewer, forts odor and characteristic mud, diverse residues solid as plastic, metal, wood, glass, rubbish of concrete with displayed hardware. (Source: Marc Mathieu). It has a vegetation that it attracts birds and other animals, the place is point of meeting for domestic animals, birds as gara, the blowpipe of the bathed one want-I want, it, diverse insects and butterflies. Also it attracts rodents that come to look feeding in way to sewer to the domestic garbage. Possible to observe artisan boats of fishes and some shoals of fish in way the dark water. Generally it fishes it not if of the ace edges of the estuary due what the local fishing call barrenta water, the certainties of the pollution caused for the inhabitants.

It fishes it camaroeira is one of the activities of bigger economic emphasis in the region, had its local importance this cove is subjects the serious antrpicos impacts and has been explored and invaded by the population growth of the region. An aquatic vegetation was planted in the edge for a group of studious of the FURG, so that the garbage did not exceed biodiversity, exactly thus the action human being intensifies damages to the natural patrimony opening way that takes to the interior of the lagoon with the wooden use and other entulhos. Part of the natural structure already was reorganized by the activity of habitacional occupation.