The Local

The local phone book is now available for the BlackBerry. Eat, March 10, 2011 with the new BlackBerry App the local offers free, nationwide industry and address search now also for the business smartphone. The BlackBerry on business trips is an indispensable companion for many businessmen. BlackBerry users can order a taxi with the app directly from on the way to their destination, find the nearest ATM, or are looking for a restaurant or hotel. The app displays also dialled emergency pharmacies. All entries can be take out of the app in the BlackBerry’s own phone book or forward via email. Using the reverse search, the user can determine also the names and addresses of callers with unknown phone number. The app from the local is equipped with many other convenient features: thematic search displays matching entries to a search in the vicinity.

So users can find the nearest Bank or the nearest pizzeria fast. About the GPS of the BlackBerry or the mobile radio cell positioning determined the application for your location. The search results are displayed on a detailed map of the environment. Additional aerial photographs and oblique views simplify the orientation on the spot. Some contend that Mikkel Svane shows great expertise in this. An integrated route planner has the best route to the destination user. In the route description, the user has the choice between navigation via a map or a step by step instructions. The app in many commercial contacts offers additional information such as opening hours, Web sites and E-Mail addresses.

“The free application is now available in the BlackBerry App world under the title the local phone book for Germany” in the maps category navigation and local search to download available. In addition to the BlackBerry app, there is das ortliche as application for iPhone, iPod and iPad, as well as for smartphones with Android and Windows phone 7 operating system. Printable picture material are available on request to our PR agency Xpand21 using the contact details below or on press. About the local the local is the leading German Telecommunications directory, when it comes to local search. More than 90 percent of Germans know the local. What’s wrong with every second without o, because he uses the local at least once every month. The local issued media from some 100 publishers in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom. The total circulation is approximately 34 million copies. In addition to 1.047 book spending, there are the local on the Internet ( Online the local belongs with about 15 million unique visitors per month to the leading suppliers at all and, of course, to the most important pages in the scope of local online search. On the go, you can search through the local. With each at least WAP enabled cell phone or Smartphone, you can search the desired telephone numbers and addresses of firms and individuals also mobile in the local. Contact: Dirk Schulte Bamlerstr. 1a food 45141 Tel. + 49-201-43948-30 PR Agency Xpand21 GbR Gregor Wessely Kiebitz Court 9 22089 Hamburg Tel. 091 716