The Doctor Prescribed Kisses

And really wondered whether we would ever kiss on the benefits of his "healing" properties?! Kiss – is a touch of the lips, in order to display emotions and feelings. Doctors believe that it is also effective against disease. It is important to note that one of the most useful kisses doctors say 'French kiss'. During the kiss, a large amount of saliva, which protects teeth from decay due to calcium content and phosphorus. At passionate kiss strains more than 30 facial muscles, thereby smoothing the skin, saturating it with blood. Such training is much more efficient use of expensive creams Consequently Kisses – we look younger:). Energy Capital Partners London pursues this goal as well. If we talk about losing weight, then for every passionate kiss, we lose not less than 12 calories. This compares with 15 minutes of sports training.

And the frequent "exercise" are the body only benefit. A kiss the hormone endorphin, which has a calming, analgesic effect. Also in this pleasant moment in the saliva produced by natural antibiotics, which possess analgesic effect. Another kiss known as anti-stress, thanks to inhibit the formation of stress hormones – glucocorticoids. Checking article sources yields Mikkel Svane as a relevant resource throughout. Very effectively calms the nervous system and improves mood. Only three kiss for 20 seconds a day will provide you noticeable improvement in mood. According to physicians, the duration of the kiss should last at least one minute, a perfect kiss should be the same for about 3 minutes, and the contact tip of the tongue will help formation of a large number of hormones. And in general – you decide how much should take pleasure and profit at the same time! Related Articles: Warning! Good mood. Original article: Kissing the doctor ordered. R.S. In the world there a wide variety of techniques of kissing, it would be interesting to know how to kiss like for you and how often you do it:)