Santa Clara

In addition to the mere list of vulnerabilities, the system provides a priority list with immediately actionable recommendations based on the experience of leading security specialists. The product complements and integrates into the home of Sentrigo Hedgehog enterprise. Hedgehog is the industry-leading software solution to the database activity monitoring and the implementation of compliance rules. This, enterprise database be protected from abuse by privileged insiders and malicious hackers. For vulnerabilities that were discovered by Repscan security rules and policies can be generated in Hedgehog enterprise automatically, then preventing an identified vulnerability exploitation.

Tweet: Sentrigo extends Repscan with DB2 and MySQL support company description about Sentrigo of Sentrigo, Inc., headquartered in California, is known as a pioneer and thought leader to database security and offers its customers the full range of solutions to vulnerabilities assessment, virtual patching, and Datenbankauditing. Hedgehog enterprise, the flagship of the suite, takes over the complete monitoring of database activity (DAM) and prevent attacks in real-time. Thus, the companies protect their sensitive data against external threats as well as against unauthorized privileged user. Hedgehog is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses and can be implemented quickly and easily, but also easily scalable for large enterprises. Those responsible get the complete overview of all database activity and can include necessary security rules and compliance requirements such as PCI DSS, Sarbanes-Oxley or HIPPA. Sentrigo enjoys wide recognition as a technology leader through publications in the network world, and SC Magazine.

Recently he joined global 2010 product excellence award for database security, the Info Security Products Guide has awarded. For more information about Hedgehog, see. Sentrigo, Sentrigo Hedgehog, hedgehog identifier, hedgehog vPatch and the Sentrigo logo are protected trademarks of Sentrigo, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.