
This requires special equipment, such as heat gun. How does the installation? On perimeter of the ceiling mounted frame-molding in which assemblers reduce a heat gun warmed sheet of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). After cooling, the canvas is stretched and becomes elastic, like a drum. Wonderful feature suspended ceilings – they have absolutely no fear of water. But after deformation fully recover its original shape. Another of their unquestionable advantage: colors available today firms PVC fabric is extremely rich – from pure white to black radical.

If you prefer, you can order and multi-colored ceiling. However, buying ceilings, it is necessary to know: Pros: Ideal flat ceiling surface. Is quick to install. Stretch ceiling completely recovers its shape even under considerable strain and did not afraid of water. After installation is not garbage. Wide range of colors and textures of PVC fabric. Cons: The canvas is made of synthetic material (PVC), who is afraid of sharp objects (easily pierced, cut).

Installation requires skill and special equipment (heat gun – a heater with directional heat flow). This form alignment of ceilings – one of the most expensive. Option Three. Decorative suspended ceiling panels suspended ceilings are made of different materials, but the most common – mineral fiber, metal (in particular, aluminum), gypsum board, paper and molded particleboard. Each material is, of course, good and bad in its own way. However, choosing appropriate, we advise to pay attention to such things: pass or not pass the air, afraid or not afraid water, whether good sound insulator. How can I align the ceiling panels by means of false? First, the ceiling on hangers attach the frame of metal profiles. Then decorative panels are placed on the frame. Moreover, suspension systems are "open" and "closed". In closed systems, frame completely covered with decorative panels. And in the open – visible rib cage. In addition, the ceilings are divided into the tile and batten.