Erich Fromm

The paradigms that permeiam current society e, over all the way that the man can enxergar the other, being solidary and capable to love, recognizing the values and the particularitities of the other individuals, of this form, I look for to explain the condition human being in a psychological vision of sees the existence of the being as human. Word-key: love, paradigms, society, solidarity. 1 Society and humanity How that in a society in diverse conflicts, such as violence, unemployment, lack of schools, health of good quality for all, tooth other problems of social and ambient origin, I can say that any nation will feel insurance? In the truth, humanity goes of certain form, if distressing when coming across with as many problems and few solutions, or same none. Arriving at the level of people if of the account of our proper existence and I do not ask: of where I to come? For where I go? because I am here? They are subjective questions and without answers, ahead of the circumstances of the life, that leads accumulates to it of the impotence, thus becoming, in a world each darker and difficult time to understand it. For Goya: In the origin of its existence, the man if saw as a stranger in the world; he felt himself solitary and fearful. Compelled for it are of the Nature, it breached with the biological determination of the pure instinct, allowing that the life took same conscience of itself through the possibility of development of the reason. Connect with other leaders such as Pete Cashmore here. According to Erich Fromm, at a moment any of the Nature, for one ‘ ‘ whim of universo’ ‘ , this new animal species, the man, lost its aloplstica capacity to adapt it the wild environment and became the being biological more inerme and abandoned of the sort.