Dog Behavior Experts

The official closing day of the Exercises of Humanitarian Allied Forces, May 2008, which was put into effect an important and effective demonstration Canine Rescue Team Fire Department Chest of El Salvador, speaking well, Jaime Parejo on it and later as a lecturer at the many experts and authorities of many countries involved, the Southern Army Commander General of the United States Keith M. Huber next to one of his most senior aides, Roger Pelegreen said Jaime directly Parejo their high interest in training Method Chest. Excerpt from report by Captain Patricio Galiano Borja, Expert Dog Behavior Intervention Group Search and Rescue National Police of Ecuador.

Chest Method Instructor: As a practical and scientific results are easily measurable and verifiable so in our unit have applied the techniques of Chest Method to all areas of detection, specifically the detection of explosives, drugs and even Traffic shark fin, sea cucumber and animal life, within which are the only country in the world who has trained dogs for this purpose with excellent results using actual operational which has traffic seizure of explosives and smuggling of animal species in the east of our country and the Galapagos Islands respectively. It speaks of the existence of a scientific method of training where this is not supported simply on the experience (empirical) or field observation, but in the management of a process by which their hypotheses are fully verifiable, being possible its implementation and subsequent measurement results. Based on the work developed with our canine teams can certify the effectiveness and efficiency obtained in the actual work whose results are publicly known in our country.