The Immortality Of Man. Scientific Approach

People have always thought that allotted to them for life time is too short. This encourages people to look for methods by which he could prolong his life or make it infinite – immortality. Immortality Modern Science Modern science is actively engaged in researching the possibility of eternal life and has already achieved some success in this area. The most promising of these three areas of research: stem cells, genetics, and nanotechnology. The science of immortality ('immortology, from Lat. Im -' no ", mors, mortis – 'death', a term introduced Igor Vishev, Ph.D.) also considers the following areas: lowering of body temperature, transplantation, cryonics (immortality through freezing – cryopreservation), the change of 'carrier of consciousness "(cloning) and others. Lowering the temperature of the body as a way to achieve immortality actively studied in Japan.

Experiments on mice have shown that cooling the body temperature by half a degree increase lifespan by 12-20%. By lowering the body temperature by one degree, as calculated by the Japanese scientists, the term human life is extended for 30-40 years. The path to immortality – the stem cells? Scientists have found that one way to rejuvenate the body are the stem, or, as they are called pluripotent cells. The term 'stem cells' (born stem cell) introduced in 1908 by aa Maximov. During his research he came to the conclusion that in the human body throughout his life retained the universal undifferentiated cells that can transform into any part of the tissue. Pluripotent cells are formed even at the dawn of man, and they develop the entire body.
