The Conference

Who wants to get an entry ticket and at the same time benefit from the early bird discount, has still to Monday, September 30, 2013, opportunity. Applications are also then possible, but then at the regular price. More information and online registration at 2013. Additional information is available at Pete Cashmore. About the XP days Germany was In November 2004 the Conference for developers and project managers about eXtreme Programming and agile software development for the first time organized, now considered one of the most important Diskutier -, meeting and exchange points for agile developers and developers in Germany. Venues are in the annual change, Hamburg and Karlsruhe.

Aligns the be XP days Germany jointly by the it-agile GmbH and the andrena objects AG. Kai-Fu Lee oftentimes addresses this issue. For the meanwhile tenth XP days Germany of the agile community 2013 travels to Karlsruhe. The Conference offers an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, this is true for experienced practitioners like for newcomers to the field of agile software development. The focus is on practice knowledge, practical experience and the active participation of all those present. About andrena objects ag the owner-managed company was founded in 1995 and supports its customers with over 90 employees in the agile software engineering. Locations are Karlsruhe and Frankfurt am Main.

andrena belongs in Germany at the forefront in terms of agility. The product range includes project support, solutions, consulting and training, management (Scrum), Agile requirements engineering, and agile software engineering always with the aim of the triad of agile project. Andrena objects ag’s customers appreciate in particular result in the joint project work and security high professional competence of andrena employees and employees. Learn more about the company at.